"The Other Side"

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M/N was sitting on a chair as he had a towel around him,he held his revolver and casually shot at the tall trees near the pool.Taeyong laughed "M/N-ah?Are you that bored after swimming?",the boy nodded before noticing Juyeon walk up to him with a water gun.M/N placed his gun down and ran before getting noticing everyone had the same water gun in their hands,he ran around as he avoided their shots of water.His eyes widened when he saw Seonghwa stop him in his tracks,he pleaded but knew he was doomed when the older got his water gun out.He crossed his arms before walking back inside with his gun.The boys were confused for a short minute before Yeosang and Kevin ran in,they saw the boy walk down the stairs in his outside clothes while being fully-armed.M/N knew that the two were there but he ignored them as he walked out of the lobby,he went through the automatic door and everyone could hear crying on the other side of the dome.Changmin ran out and saw M/N shooting at the wooden targets as he shot them with tears streaming down his cheeks,the older hugged the boy "We're sorry for upsetting you when you were having a good day,we're really sorry".M/N sobbed while he laid his on the older's chest,Changmin rubbed circles on the boy's back as he comforted him.M/N soon let go and continued to shoot at the targets,he saw zombies coming their way and Changmin knew almost instantly.The older ran in and went out with the others who were fully-armed,Haknyeon's eyes widened as he saw M/N fighting the whole wave of zombies by himself.The others could watch a wave that had a lesser number slowly arrive from afar,Taeyong instantly ran to M/N who was drained and very injured.The older looked worried "Are you alright?",the boy panted "I got caught in a few explosions here and there,bruised myself on the debris,and...I feel so drained right now".Taeyong could see a few cuts that probably came from the flying debris during the explosions on the boy's face,he instantly brought him in with the other leaders of the group as the other boys handled the zombies.

M/N was instantly laid on the couches in the reception and treated,Jungwon locked eyes with the boy and helped him ignore the pain.M/N smiled as he focused on his shallow breathing,Jungwon grinned "That's it,focus on me".Taeyong and Kun covered M/N's injured arms and legs with bandages while Daeyeol and the other boys treated his wounds,M/N winced and cursed under his breath when he could feel the cream go on his burns.Jungwon treated the boy's face and bandaged the deep cuts,the treatment was a success and M/N was in Sangyeon's arm as he slept.The others walked in and smiled,Eric went to the older and took the sleeping boy in his arms.Jisung smiled before seeing the boy slightly move his head,he melted at the sighed and squealed silently.Seungmin saw M/N's hands turn to tights fists and his heart couldn't handle the cuteness,"He's like a baby,my heart-" he said as he was clearly getting all tingly at the sight.Eric brought the boy up to his room and tucked him in,he placed M/N's revolver on the bedside table and turned around to see the boy was near the bed's edge with his hand reaching for his.The older smiled and held the boy's hand,he kissed it and could feel his heart melt.M/N opened his eyes and his eyes were metallic silver,the boy smiled dreamily "I..like you hyung..hehe~".The older caught the boy's head and tucked him in again,he grinned as he kissed the boy's forehead "I like you too,my little baby~".M/N whispered in his sleep "Jeno-hyung...I want you....",the boys didn't know that M/N would be the cause of their group to fall apart.


M/N woke up quite early and went out his room,he noticed everyone was still asleep so he silently walked down the stairs.He went to the lobby as he hugged his knees,he pursed his lips "Why do I like them...Eric is attractive..so is Jeno,Dohyon,San,Bongjae,and Jay...I must be going crazy to have feelings for them!!!".He squealed with frustration as he messed his hair up,he didn't notice that the boys were listening in.Everyone was upset and stayed in bed until morning arrived,they all walked down as they avoided each other's eyes.M/N was at the pool as he played with the water,he looked behind him and smiled when he saw Juyeon.He ran to the older before wincing as he felt his leg sting,Juyeon turned to him and instantly helped him up "You okay?What's wrong?".M/N shyly laughed "I guess my legs haven't healed yet...I really need to relax today..",Juyeon grinned before taking the boy inside.San and the others rolled his eyes before seeing M/N seem puzzled,the boy got down before feeling his vision turn gray.He ran to Jeno with fear,the older picked the boy up "What's wrong?!".M/N stuttered out "I'm s-s-seeing everything in gray,I'm so s-s-scared..",Jeno pat the boy's head and tapped the boy's back.M/N slowly got his normal vision back,he wiped his tears and kissed Jeno on the lips before waddling to the eating area.Jeno shyly smiled as he felt his lips,Jaemin rolled his eyes when he saw the boy go on Taeyong's arms.The older smirked and stuck his tongue out at the others,M/N was puzzled at the older's action but giggled when Taeyong kissed his nose.He sniffed a good smell and grinned "Kun-hyung finished cooking!Kun-hyung,wait for me~",Taeyong scoffed as he walked behind the boy.The others followed and clearly felt their anger rise when they saw M/N holding Kun's hand,the older smiled at M/N "Hey,kiddo.You want to eat the special breakfast I made for you?".The boy nodded "I want the pancakes with eggs and bacon!The one that looks like a happy face!",Seonghwa rolled his eyes "I could be a better meal than that trash that he makes".

Once everyone gathered to eat breakfast,everyone was ignoring each other and M/N couldn't hear any loud chattering.He could feel that something wrong was happening but he couldn't place his finger on it,he ate small bites of his food and knew that the others were worried.He put on a sad expression as he played with his food,San walked up to him and sat next to him "What's wrong,M/N?Do you not want to eat?".The boy shook his head "I just feel like something is going on and its my fault...",Eric sighed "Do you really want to know?It might hurt you a lot". M/N nodded "I can take it,don't worry",the older sighed before explaining what was happening.M/N who only finished half of his food left after Eric explained everything,San and the other boys he liked chased after him.M/N didn't turn back before wincing,he could feel his leg sting and it hurt a lot.Jeno ran to him and kneeled down "Is it your leg?Is it painful?",M/N shook his head as he tried his best to not reveal his teary eyes.The older raised his head and had a sad smile when he noticed the boy's tears,the younger looked away as he stood up.He was about to walk to the stairs but San grabbed his hand,he tried to get out of his hold and could notice that Jay and Eric blocked his way.He controlled himself to not sob but could see that the opposite way was also blocked,he sat down and buried his face in his knees.He felt that he had no hope left before feeling his tears fall,Dohyon held the boy's hand and smiled "M/N-ah,look at us.Please?".M/N was reluctant before looking up at them,Dohyon grinned "What's with the tears?Its not wrong to have feelings for people".The younger opened his mouth but no word came out,Eric chuckled "Don't be shy,tell us what you want to say".M/N gulped "I...I don't want my feelings for you guys to be the cause of us dying...",Bongjae crossed his arms "Dying?Didn't we promise each other when we first became a group?We promised to stay with each other until the end,you even swore to it".Jay nodded "We don't have the guts to even separate the group,you would be left alone and have the pressuring choice to join one of the different groups all of us separated into.",Jeno smiled "We won't separate or turn against each other even if you like us,the only thing that's gonna change is how we'll treat you".M/N smiled before feeling his head sting,his eyes turned metallic silver and he got scared again at the sudden change in his sight.Dohyon hugged him and told M/N to shut his eyes,the boy did what he said and he could feel someone carry him somewhere.M/N opened his eyes and saw that he was in his room,he could still see the silver coloring his sight but felt calm when Jeno walked in.The older grinned "The boys are talking about something downstairs,are you still seeing in silver?",the younger nodded before noticing it was slowly going back to normal.Jeno smiled "With that expression,I guess you can see normally now",M/N nodded before looking at his leg "I can't even relax today because of this problematic leg of mine,so unfair".Jeno laughed before sitting next to the boy,he was taken aback when M/N sat on his lap and kissed him.M/N giggled "You keep making me like you more every time you get shy",Jeno laughed and did the same "I'll be waiting for you to grow up so I can be your boyfriend~".M/N laughed before hiding his face in the older's neck "Dream on,San and Jay have their eyes on me already.You'll fall behind faster than the speed I have to throw a bomb that explodes in 10 seconds",Jeno smiled as he hugged the boy "I promise you,I'll get to their speed.You just wait".The two soon fell asleep in the same position,M/N's painful leg resting on the older's leg.Taeyong walked in and smiled as he thought : "He's gonna be in good hands with him...our little baby.."

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