"View Shift"

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M/N was in his room as he played with Shooter after waking up,he looked out the window before noticing Younghoon walk in.He smiled before walking down with the older,he held his puppy in his hands before noticing everyone was getting ready to go out.He ran to Jaehyun with a curious stare "Where you guys going~",the older smiled before ruffling the boy's hair "Your hyungs have to go out and gather some things,you can't join us though".M/N pouted "But why~",Taeyong went to him and picked him up "Hyungs have to go somewhere dangerous and we don't want you getting hurt,don't we?".The child nodded before he was set down,the older grinned and kissed the younger's nose "How about you go eat breakfast so we can go out already?".He ran to the eating area to eat breakfast as the boys looked at the child one last time before they left the building,M/N didn't know that he would lose them that same day.


M/N was alone in the building,his eyes were shallow and cold.He had no emotion on his face as he hugged a fully-grown Shooter,he stood up when he heard the dome door open.He ran down the stairs before tears fell down his cheeks,he saw no one and knew that the sound was just an illusion.He fell down as Shooter went to him,he hugged the Golden Retriever as he sobbed.The 19-year-old could remember hearing everyone's voices,he could even hear the sound of their laughs while they were at the pool.He covered his ears and blinked,he saw a group of figures walk in and looked puzzled "Other survivors?I thought the whole population was wiped out-".His eyes widened when he saw the familiar faces,one of the guys stepped back with a big smile.M/N grinned "You guys,its me!",the group ran to him and hugged him.One of the girls in the group was about to cry "M/N-ah!We thought you were dead!",he sobbed "Noona...hyung...I thought I lost you guys!".His cousin wiped his tears before speaking "Now,tell us where are those bastards that took you away from us?",he went silent before choking out "Those hyungs you call bastards...they d-d-died while they were venturing outside without me...They told me to stay here and I don't know why I trusted them,its all my fault-".His brother cut him off "Its not your fault,they may have used you as an lab rat but didn't they take care of you and kept you safe when you were with them after they knew their wrongdoings were enough?Did they make sure you had a smile on your face?",M/N nodded "But how do you know?".The older smiled "I was unlucky to be hit by a bomb 2 months ago and now,I can read minds and know anyone's memories",M/N's eyes widened "Was the bomb in a white shell,its smoke was red after it exploded,and did it have an timer for 8 seconds?".His brother nodded with an puzzled look "Yes,why do you ask?",the younger covered his mouth "That was my superpower bomb prototype....I'm so sorry,hyung!".The older laughed before ruffling the boy's hair "Its okay,its not as bad as you think it is",M/N's cousin crossed his arms with a proud smirk "Now,that's our smart little M/N~".The 19-year-old slightly turned red before feeling his hair "Anyone down to help me style my hair?",his sister raised her hand before fixing his long and silky hair.

The others went to check the perimeter while his youngest brother who was 14 was playing with Shooter,M/N smiled before calling his dog to him.Shooter sat next to him before M/N let his little brother play with Shooter's fur,he didn't know that the boys who were supposedly dead were watching him from the futuristic city.Jeno couldn't look as his heart broke,the others looked down as they could remember seeing M/N sobbing and suffering at their absence.Doyoung wiped his tears "He even thinks that its his fault that we died,he thinks what we planned to happen was his fault.I suddenly want to set the city down and just show him that we're alive but we can't",Taeyong was on a chair as his tears kept falling as he kept feeling guilty."I'm so sorry,M/N-ah.Please forgive your hyungs once you meet us again,its not your fault.I'm the reason for this and everything that you're going through.." he said out loud,Hongjoong felt hurt at the remark "You?You ARE the reason why he's like this?ITS ALL OUR FAULT,YOU DUMBASS!WE KNEW HE WOULD SUFFER AND WE WENT 'Fuck it and let's feel sorry for what we did once we see him breaking' SO STOP PLACING EVERYTHING ON YOUR BACK AND LET US FEEL WHAT IT MEANS TO FEEL THE EXACT PAIN THAT HE FELT WHEN WE USED HIM AS AN FUCKING LAB RAT!!".Mingi calmed the older down as Sangyeon and Jungwon were in the corner,they were banging their heads on the wall as the guilt spread through their bodies.Daeyeol suddenly spoke "Guys,look!Something is happening!",everyone focused on the large screen as they saw the boy having target practice with his family members.San was shocked as he watched M/N easily shoot the incoming zombies while being in sync with his family members' shots,Doyoung was focused on how well M/N was shooting his enemies while he thought how implanting a chip in the boy's brain so a satellite could record his movements while seeing though any surface was a right choice.Dohyon bit his finger as the suspense raised,everyone felt their heart jolt when they saw M/N levitate in the air after a bomb was thrown under his feet.They watched in awe as the child threw bombs and shot at the zombies with ease,M/N smiled at his family members before throwing his strongest bomb yet.They all ran in while M/N stayed near the top of the dome,he held on for dear life as the strongest explosion he could ever make happened.He smirked before going back to the ground as he saw the debris of the exploded buildings and the corpses of the zombies,he casually shot a zombie who was running to him before walking back in to celebrate.His cousins looked proud before his sister spoke "Seems someone is good at combat~",M/N smiled "I must say,my training with the boys did pay off even if I trained alone after they died.I even managed to do a 360 formation by myself when I use my duplication and levitation power bomb all at once".His brother was about to ask him what was the 360 formation but he answered him instantly,Chenle couldn't help but have a proud smile as he heard the boy drone on about the techniques and formations they used to do as one group.Tag and Y smiled as they reminisced at the beauty of the barrage the bullets had when they did the 360 formation,Jisung felt his heart melt as he saw M/N's small but proud smile.Seonghwa gave the others a stare,the others nodded as they knew it was time to set the wheel in motion.Renjun went somewhere and made the light from the beacon turn brighter,they felt successful as they saw M/N see the light from afar.The 19-year-old smiled as excitement rushed into him "The city of my hyung's dreams..I see it!",his eyes flared with passion as he knew this was the only way to avenge the boys he lost.He looked up in the sky as the same words that the boys used to say left his mouth,"Setting off without a map...is equal to finding something wonderful after wandering aimlessly".He had a smile on his face as he could imagine Sunghoon's proud smile,he didn't know that the older who was alive had the exact same expression on his face.Jake grinned "He really loved us until the end",Jay nodded as a small smile was on his face "He really did what he promised us...our little baby didn't let go of us even after we left him,I love him too much".Everyone felt their heart flutter as they heard M/N say something from under his breath,"Hyung-ah...its time to finish the journey we couldn't finish,will you stay with me until I reach our paradise?".Taeyong kept his tears in as he spoke "Don't you worry,our little baby.We'll always stay with you even after you reach our paradise,just you wait...",Juyeon smiled at Changmin and Haknyeon as they braced themselves to see the boy after all this time of watching him from above.They went out the room as M/N went back in the dome,the boys were ready to face M/N and tell him the truth.

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