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*this is where we get to see a bit of everyone's POV*

Y/n's p o v
We finally got to jimin & jin's house. We all take a deep breath and head inside. I had my knife in hand as we entered every room cautiously. We entered the kitchen and there was Mrs.Park sitting nervously with her coffee. I put my knife back in my pocket as we head over to the table where she was sitting. She greeted us with a weak smile..she knew something...

Jin and tae decided to stay back and talk to her to get more information as I headed upstairs to jimin's room.I cautiously open the door with my knife in hand and I see glass everywhere.. I can see his window has been broken into but nothing was left behind except for his phone. Luckily it was unlocked. I feel tears in my eyes as I see what he was gonna send Yoongi before he was taken...the paragraph read:

jimin❤️: hii love! I just wanted to let you know that I got home.xxx. I got into another fight with my dad but I'm okai..I wish you were here...I hear noises coming from my window..I'm kinda scared..if something happens I love you so so much ok? Don't worry about me I'll be fine..I hope... xxx❤️

I took a picture and I also took his phone so I could give it to Yoongi... I heard them finish up talking so I decide to head back downstairs. We say our goodbyes and head to the car..I told them what I had discovered and we drove back in silence...

Hobi's p o v
Wow I haven't been back here in a while...I tried not to make it obvious as I headed to the office the three of us shared. It was right near Mr.mins office which was perfect.. I quickly head into our office and get to work.I manage to hack into Mr.min's files. Shit. We didn't do our job so...they did...he knew about Yoongi and Jimin.... fuck... I look to see that there is a party happening at xxx. Perfect.I make sure to write it down and I left. The reason this is perfect is because that's the place they hide most of the hostages.. this is gonna be one hell of a wild adventure..

Jk's p o v
I've never seen Yoongi so angry in my life. He drove so fast that we got there in a matter of minutes. We all got out of the car and headed into the house. Me and namjoon followed Yoongi to what seemed to be his fathers office. "What do you do in your gang? Like what is your roll namjoon?" Damn I never knew that Yoongi could sound so serious in his life. "I-I deal with the computer stuff sir..I'm Seoul's top computer hackers.." sir?! Does Yoongi really have that vibe to him? I thought that's something only jimin would be calling him- stop that jk time to focus. "Good. See what you can find on my father's computer" he nodded and headed straight to work. Yoongi finally faced me. His eyes are filled with nothing but anger. "Jungkook" "yes sir?" Never thought I'd be calling my best friend sir but here we are. "Help me sort through these files..there has to be something in here. I nod and that's where the hunt began.
After an hour or so I found jimin's file. "I found his file sir." "I have some information as well." Yoongi nodded and we placed everything back to the way it was and headed off. "Oh I also made sure to delete the security footage that we were ever here." "Nice work guys" and with that we headed back to the house.

T a e's p o v
We were the first ones at the house which is surprising but not important at the moment. We all sat in the living room waiting for the others in silence.
A couple of minutes later hoseok walked in and y/n ran over and kissed him. He greeted us as we did the same. We all sat there in silence waiting . I really hope that jimin is ok..

J i n's p o v
I could tell that tae was worried. You could just feel how tense the atmosphere was.I could literally cut the atmosphere with a knife that's how bad it was. I couldn't get out of my head what happened the day before with my father and Jimin... how could my father be so fucking cold-hearted... He didn't care that me and namjoon were dating so why did he care if jimin liked only men? It doesn't make sense to me... that doesn't matter now.what matters is that we save Jimin and over throw our parents gangs and bring peace between the two....

n a m j o o n's p o v
We all sat in silence on the way home. Yoongi seemed to drive a bit slower than last time but still at a fast pace.. I hope everyone is ok... I've came to realize that Yoongi really loved jimin..this is how he was showing it... He didn't want him for just his body but he wanted all of him. His funny side,his sassy side,his sexual side,and his bad side.. Yoongi didn't care..he was just in love... I'm going to do all I can to help get jimin back for Jin and Yoongi....

y o o n g i's p o v
It seems like we were the last's ones to go to the house. I quickly park the car and head inside. I see as tae runs to jk and Jin runs to Namjoon...it made me miss jimin even more... I heard jk clear his throat and we all headed to the living room. "Y/n what do you got?" I didn't waste any time. "Here it's jimin's phone I tried my best not to touch it and lock it...this was the last message he was going to send before going missing... his window was also broken in but no finger prints or signs left behind." I felt tears fill my eyes as I read over that paragraph.. "fuck.." I said under my breath. I took a picture from my phone and wiped my tears. "Uhh Jin,tae anything from his mom?" "Tae: no sir not much except that him and his father got into an argument when he got home late last night." I looked over to Jin who just nodded agreeing with what tae had said. I turned to hoseok. "Hoseok..anything?" "Yes sir actually I hacked his files..there is a party happening next Friday..I'm speculating that this is where they are holding jimin sir.." bingo... I always knew I could count on hobi. "Jk what did you find in his files?" "Oh uh it says that he was handed off to...hongjoong...." "SHIT!" I hit the wall leaving a hole in it. I took a deep breath and turned back towards everyone who was shaken up by my sudden actions. "Namjoon what did you find on my dad's computer?" "Same thing as hoseok sir but the only difference is that your father knew about...you and jimin's affair..it says here that it was brought to his attention by....mr.park.." before he could say anything else y/n cut him off. "WAIT-" we all looked at her waiting for her to spit out what she was gonna say. "When jimin was gifted his car we were told that there was a tracker so we could all have tabs on jimin...namjoon,hobi did you guys see anything else opened on his computer?" Namjoon was quick to stand up. "That's what I was getting to. It seems that he had tabs on what Yoongi spent his money on from Friday into this morning. For some reason there were some chats between him and Mr.park...the last text was a location that led to here from 6pm to 4 am." "BINGO! Yoongi give me jimin's phone and your laptop." I quickly gave y/n jimin's phone and I ran upstairs to get my laptop. I ran back to the living room where everyone was waiting for me with the laptop. " I knew that this would come in handy one day" she spent 5 minutes on the computer before coming to a conclusion. "We need to go to that party on Friday...we all need to prepare because there will be high security...it seems as his phone was hacked into and there's a recorded call from the time that jimin left the house... his phone was being tapped the whole time without him even knowing it...." we sat in silence and I came up with something. " I have a plan..." they all looked up at me and waiting for me to open my mouth again. "That party is a masquerade ball...the reason I know this is because I heard my mother planning it with my father. It's an annual ball that happens every year to get more allies. So we train all week and get strong enough..tae,Jin and y/n will be in charge of getting outfits and other accessories. Jk,hobi,namjoon we are going to need weapons and ear pieces.. we all stay here till the night of the party understood?" They all nodded and we all headed off to our rooms..
I'm coming jimin...
A/n: oooooooo I hope you guys are enjoying this so far! Also sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger I just like doing it lol anyways byeee.

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