I had chosen the city to be my new home, if only I knew about the guardians watching the border lines.
At first I feared the border watchers "what if they were told to shoot on sight" I thought. I couldn't risk waiting any longer, the sun was setting and I ran for it then I was knocked out. I woke up in a house where there were weapons mounted on the walls, mostly scout rifles and sniper rifles. Except one auto rifle caught my eye, pure white and polished with an all black, foot long bayonet. I got up to touch it when my captor walked in. In a flurry of motions I tried to get to the door, but he stopped me immediately "Calm down sonny, I'm not an Archon" he replied. I looked up at his face, old and battle worn not to mention covered in scars, but his smile broke through making him look like a jolly Rambo Santa. " I patched up your burns and bullet wounds" he said, then I realized all the wounds I had sustained from the warlocks when I escaped the camp. " What ever you fought before making to the city gave you a helluva fight, what did you fight anyway?" He asked. I told him about the camp and how the warlocks treated me, I told him about the one who helped me before she fled. Afterwards he asked about my ghost, I had forgotten that I even kept him, he was so weak from the warlocks using him for experiments the old man had to fix him. He enrolled me at a school set up by the Vanguard to train new guardians before being accepted into an academy. My first day there we were assigned partners, and I was partnered with a boy named Trevor who was from what he told me a great swimmer aspiring to be a Hunter. The next day we were assigned into 6 people fire teams were I met 2 great friends and 2 rivals. There was Jessica Drake, who didn't take shit from anyone. There was Reid Chrisoff, an academic student wanting to be come a warlock, at first I didn't trust him but the more I hung out with him I realized that not all warlocks were like the ones who enslaved me. Then there was Vladimir, the cocky jerk who wanted only to be better than everyone else. Then there was Mike, he was like Vladimir but at least he had common sense. We were together until our last year before moving on to the Academies which was our class year when we were separated by the class we chose at the beginning of our enrollment, we may have been separated for teachings but I met up with Trevor, Reid, and Jess after class. We were close friends and watched each others backs. Then before going to the Vanguard Academy we discovered a new Academy was built on Venus by cooperation of the 3 factions, Dead Orbit, New Monarchy, and Future War Cult(F.W.C.). We were all aloud to choose which faction to be taught by. Reid and I had chosen F.W.C. because they stood for Vengeance against the minions of darkness who ended our Golden Age. Trevor joined the New Monarchy where they stood for protection of the City and the reclaimation of our Golden Age. Jessica joined Dead Orbit who stood for the making of a new home beyond earth and our solar system. We had become one of the most coordinated fire teams without Vladimir and Mike. I had changed from the angry boy searching for a home to the young man with a reason to fight the darkness. I had a new Destiny. The old man who took me in had retired from his post as Guardian and left me his armory, he let me take 3 guns from the armory to Venus while he looked after the remainder on Earth. I chose Gjallarhorn, it was a gift to him for protecting the city walls against all odds, Suoros Regime, a relic from the golden age, and finally Monte Carlo, his personal favorite auto rifle that he never used oddly enough. I left him with Invective, my last connection to the past, he told me I couldn't forget the past if I never got over it.