Day of

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The sound of a blaring alarm wakes him in the early morning. Yawning he gets up and puts coffee on. Later after having rinsed the tiredness away he has to compartmentalize everything that has happened in the last 24 hours he can't believe Haley. He thought she would understand that this was for their  future  but as he tried to explain she suggested they go on a break. Now he's back in the present and he's on his way he has heard that ambassador prentiss strives on punctuality. As he arrives to this gorgeous mansion he is taken to get and I.D he is then introduced to his new boss ambassador Prentiss. Her stoic expression and firm handshake tells Aaron everything he needs to know. She tells him how highly recommended he is and she will be very willing to open many new opportunities for him. Aaron starts by making his way to the security room where he has one of four desks he begins by going over the lay of the house and yard. He memorizes the security system's pin and access numbers. Next he spends time learn the other employees names from the other security staff to the gardeners. The day goes by without any inconveniences it's actually not that bad of a gig he thinks to himself. His shift will be over in a few hours and he begins thinking about everything that's happened. His long time high school girlfriend Haley called quits on their relationship well not technically quits but a break as she called it , he thought she would have been excited for him and their future but his bubble had been busted when he came and told her the news. Haley had expected him to go practice law and for them to get married and start a family but what she or really anyone didn't know was that he wanted to join the FBI and this job might get him there. His thoughts we pushed away as the alarm began to sound. As he was making his way to the door he seen then ambassador he wondered why she was up. When they came upon the door he seen her a young girl well women with hair as dark as her eyeliner and skin as fair as snow. He had no idea who she was and as he approached her the ambassador apologized for her daughter Emily. The ambassador quickly turned around and asked where in gods name had she been Emily without as second thought responded with were ever the hell I felt like being. " That is no way to speak to your mother or in front of guest apologize at once Emily Elizabeth."She turn and faced Hotch and said how sorry she was for her mother being so loud she stuck out her handed and asked for his name. "Agent Aaron Hotchner the newest addition to security Ms. Prentiss." They shook and she then spoke and said to call her Emily. Both Prentiss women quickly retired back to their rooms leaving Hotch to stand there and think. She was reckless, compulsive and daring everything he wasn't but he felt something he couldn't quite pin point. When he laid eyes on her beneath the black smokey makeup were equally as dark and mysterious eyes. She was definitely beautiful but he couldn't help but feel that there was something underneath her dark exterior just equally as beautiful.

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