The Ties That Bind

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Jungkook POV

I watched as she clenched her teeth in pain, her hand pressed firmly against her bleeding arm. The Y/n I knew was always in control, always composed, and seeing her like this—vulnerable—was unsettling. Despite everything, a pang of concern shot through me.

Jungkook: "You're hurt. We need to get that looked at."

Y/n: "It's nothing," she snapped, though her voice was strained. "I’ve been through worse."

She tried to wave me off, but I could see the blood seeping through her fingers, staining the sleeve of her shirt. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing.

Jungkook: "Let me help you."

She glared at me, but it was more out of pride than actual anger. Finally, she sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly.

Y/n: "Fine. There's a first aid kit in the bathroom. Get it."

I rushed to the bathroom and grabbed the kit, my mind racing. Why did I care so much? She was the one keeping me here, the one who had torn me away from my life. But still... something inside me couldn't bear to see her in pain.

When I returned, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, her breathing labored. I knelt in front of her, gently pulling her arm away from the wound. She winced but didn’t protest.

Jungkook: "This is going to sting," I warned her as I cleaned the wound.

Y/n: "Just do it," she hissed, her voice barely above a whisper.

I worked quickly, trying to be as gentle as possible. She watched me intently, her eyes never leaving my face. There was something different in her gaze—something softer, almost... appreciative? It was confusing, but I pushed the thought aside, focusing on bandaging her arm.

When I was done, I sat back on my heels, wiping the sweat from my brow.

Jungkook: "You need to rest," I said, my voice firmer than before. "That was too close."

She didn’t respond immediately, just stared at me, as if searching for something in my expression. Then, she nodded slowly.

Y/n: "Thank you, Jungkook."

The words caught me off guard. I didn’t expect gratitude from her, not after everything. I didn’t know how to respond, so I just nodded back, unsure of what to say.


As I lay back on the bed, exhaustion finally catching up to me, I couldn’t help but replay the events in my mind. Jungkook had surprised me—not just by taking care of me, but by the genuine concern he showed. It was something I hadn’t expected from him.

But there was no time to dwell on that now. The wound throbbed, reminding me of the danger that still lurked outside. I had to be strong, had to protect him—even if it meant risking my own life.

I glanced over at Jungkook, who was sitting quietly on the edge of the bed, lost in thought. He looked different now, less defiant, more... human.

Y/n: "Get some sleep," I said softly, not wanting to show how much the pain was affecting me. "We’ll figure out what to do tomorrow."

He looked at me, then nodded, lying down on the couch nearby. I watched him for a moment, then closed my eyes, trying to ignore the pain and focus on what needed to be done next.

But as I drifted off, one thought lingered in my mind: Maybe, just maybe, this was the beginning of something neither of us had expected.

Jungkook POV

As I lay there, staring at the ceiling, I couldn't shake the image of Y/n, wounded but still fighting, still in control. There was something different about her tonight, something that made me question everything I thought I knew about her.

For the first time since I had been taken, I felt something other than fear and anger. It was confusing, unsettling, but it was there—a strange sense of connection, of understanding. I didn’t know what to make of it, but I knew one thing for sure: things between us were changing.

And whether that change would be for better or worse... I had no idea.

The Next Morning

I woke up to the sound of soft footsteps. Y/n was already up, moving around the room as if nothing had happened. But I could see the stiffness in her movements, the way she favored her injured arm.

Jungkook: "You should be resting," I said, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Y/n: "There's no time for that. We have work to do." Her tone was as cold as ever, but there was a hint of something else—something that made me think she was trying to hide just how much pain she was in.

I stood up, determined not to let her push me away this time. "Let me help you. Whatever you need, just... let me help."

She paused, turning to look at me with those piercing eyes. For a moment, I thought she might refuse, but then she sighed, nodding slightly.

Y/n: "Fine. But don't think this changes anything. You're still mine, Jungkook. And you still owe me your loyalty."

I nodded, knowing that this was the best I could hope for right now. "I know. But that doesn’t mean I want to see you hurt."

She didn’t respond to that, just turned and walked towards the door. I followed, my mind still racing with the implications of everything that had happened.

Things were changing, and I had no idea where it would lead. But one thing was certain: I wasn’t going to let her face it alone.

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