Revenge and Redemption

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Jungkook POV

The atmosphere was tense as everyone prepared for the attack. Y/n was more determined than ever, driven by a need for revenge that was palpable. I could see the anguish in her eyes, a stark contrast to the cold, commanding presence she projected. It was clear that losing her father had affected her deeply, but I didn’t understand the full extent of her pain until now.

The previous day’s events had left me unsettled. Y/n’s behavior, her vulnerability, and her sudden shift in focus had me questioning everything I knew about her. She was not just a boss; she was someone who had endured significant loss and was grappling with a profound sense of injustice.

Today, I was tasked with staying behind with Taehyung. The situation felt surreal—one moment, I was a reluctant participant in Y/n’s world, and the next, I was part of a grand scheme for retribution. Taehyung and I were supposed to remain at the mansion while the others prepared for the attack on EXO.

Later That Day

Y/n called me to her office for a briefing.

Y/n: "Jungkook, Taehyung, we need to finalize the preparations for the attack. Taehyung, you’ll handle the defense here, and Jungkook, you’re with him. Make sure everything is in place."

Jungkook: "Understood. Is there anything specific we need to be aware of?"

Y/n: "Just stay alert and follow Taehyung’s instructions. We need to be prepared for anything."

Her tone was resolute, but there was an underlying tension that spoke volumes about her mental state. I could see that this wasn’t just about business for her—it was personal, and it was consuming her.

Night Before the Attack

The mansion was eerily quiet. Taehyung and I were going over security measures and finalizing our plans for the day after tomorrow. I could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on me, and Taehyung’s silent demeanor didn’t help ease the tension.

Taehyung: "Stay sharp. We’re dealing with a serious threat, and Y/n is counting on us to keep things under control here."

Jungkook: "I understand. It’s just hard to believe everything has escalated so quickly."

Taehyung: "That’s how it goes in this world. One moment, everything is normal, and the next, it’s chaos. Just focus on your role, and we’ll get through this."

As the night wore on, I found myself reflecting on the events that had led us here. Y/n’s actions, her grief, and her relentless pursuit of vengeance were all part of a larger, darker narrative. It was clear that she had a lot to lose and a lot to prove.

Attack Day

The day arrived with a grim atmosphere. Taehyung and I were stationed at the mansion, ready to respond to any emergencies. The sound of distant gunfire and the occasional explosion reminded us of the chaos unfolding outside. We could only hope that everything would go according to plan.

Hours passed, and the mansion remained tense. Taehyung and I maintained our vigilance, ensuring that the perimeter was secure and that we were prepared for any potential breaches.


By the end of the day, the chaos subsided. The attack had been successful, but the cost and consequences were still unknown. I could see the toll it had taken on Y/n and her team, but they were trying to maintain a façade of control.

Y/n eventually returned to the mansion, visibly exhausted but determined. She didn’t say much, but the weight of her actions was evident in her eyes.

Jungkook: "Y/n, are you okay?"

Y/n: "Just...give me some time, Jungkook. I need to process everything that happened today."

Jungkook: "I understand. If you need anything, I’m here."

Y/n gave me a brief nod before retreating to her room. The atmosphere in the mansion was heavy with the aftermath of the day’s events. As I watched her leave, I realized that I had gained a deeper understanding of the world she lived in and the complexities of her life.

The journey ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: the bonds between us had evolved. Whether they would strengthen or fray in the coming days remained to be seen, but for now, we all had to deal with the aftermath of the day’s actions and find a way to move forward.

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