Alois and Ciel's ending

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(By the way this will be the last time that Alois will be a demon since for the others he will be dead)

I was sitting in a tree. I have been waiting for an summon for 4 years. I knew that both Alois and Ciel had disappear but i didn't know why. I was about to remove the mark when i heard two Familiar Voices. I then heard Alois and Ciel both calling me. I went to them since they were in the same spot. I saw them and i went and said "Welcome back Young master, Young prince." I was having trouble keeping my urge to cry and hug them back. Ciel and Alois both went and said "You reminded Loyal to us for 4 years even though we never called you to us and we disappeared." i went and i nodded my head. Alois went and said "Why were you going to remove the contract mark?" I went and said "Cause i thought that you both were dead that and i should find a mate but i need to be untamed in order to do so." Alois and Ciel lead me somewhere and when we reached the place we were going i was very surprised. I saw a beautiful lake with Flowers surrounding it. I clasped my hands together happily. Alois and Ciel both went and said "Y/N will you be our mate?" I looked at them before saying "Yes!?" I hugged them both happily. The mark that made me tamed became a mark of mates. I wasn't contracted anymore. We spent the day together Sebastian and Claude stayed nearby but didn't do much. When we got inside Sebastian and Claude had made a pot of souls for Alois and Ciel and Actual tea for me and i drank it happily. Alois and Ciel drank their souls happily as well. We spent the whole night messing around since we don't sleep. I spent half of the day asleep in a chair before i woke up to hearing a scream. I went downstairs and i was surprised. I saw no one. I was confused before i shrugged. I went up to my room and when i opened the door i Saw Ciel and Alois sitting there nervously.  I tilted my head confused. Ciel and Alois went and asked "Y/N can we start a family?" i was shocked. This was something that would change our life. I sighed before nodding my head as i said "Yes we can have a family." I smiled. After that we had fun and we fell asleep in each other's arms. The next day i slept longer and i figured out that my habits had changed. I was eating less but finding more of an craving for souls but i never said anything about it. one day Sebastian made me a pot of souls and poured it into a tea cup and he handed it to me and i drank it before realizing it was souls. Alois and Ciel were completing a contract they both had so they left Sebastian and Claude with me to take care of me since i was carrying their kids. After 9 months i had a big wave of pain go though me as i stood up and i sat back down Clutching my stomach as i let out a big cry of pain. Sebastian and Claude rushed to my side before going and putting me in a bed. After 8 hours of screaming and Pushing Sebastian and Claude handed me two babies. I smiled weakly but happily. I held them close as i fed them. Sebastian and Claude both went and left the room to try to contact Ciel and Alois. Two mins later Ciel and Alois came into the room and they saw me holding the kids. I looked over at them as i said "Come here say hi to your kids." I smiled. Ciel and Alois came up to me as they took the kids smiling. I knew they were happy. The twins were a boy and a girl. The Boy had Alois's hair with a Blue stripe and the Girl had Ciel's hair with a Blonde stripe. They both opened their eyes and they had a Mixture of Ciel's and Alois's eyes. My eye color were the Same as Ciel's just a little lighter.  I went and said "I had named them already." Ciel went and asked "What are their names?" I went and said "The girl is Lucy, and the Boy is Aiden." I smiled. Alois went and said "They are so Beautiful just like their mother." I smiled as i said "And they look just like you both mixed." We all were so happy.

_____________________________________Time skip by 11 years_________________________

I had set up the camera and i called down my family. The twins who were 11 came running down the stairs smiling and laughing, I was holding my child that is 1 years old. Ciel and Alois came down holding the other twins hands that were 6 years old. I smiled as we all got ready for the picture Finnian. Mey-rin, Baldory, and Tanaka were with us as well. and Sebastian, Claude, Hannah, Timber, Canterbury, and Thompson had just joined and After a few min's of waiting the picture was taken and i stood up as i took the picture and i framed it. I smiled before saying "We have a beautiful family." Everyone nodded their heads looking at the picture as i framed it and set it on the table. I went and said "Our family has expanded i think it is time if we go back to our own work that we have dropped for 13 years." Ciel and Alois nodded their heads in agreement. Since our whole family was demons we all aged until we are as old as Sebastian or Claude. Since then we continued our normal work that we had before Ciel and Alois became demons. And we had lived happily since then.

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