Poems of Societal Theme

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Kingdom Animalia La Politica
By M.G.G.M

In the nation with usual politics,
There are animals that love to trick,
For power and money they are sick,
They have no other interest but to get rich,
Proper services to people, theyvare never reach.

From local positions to higher bureaucracy,
There are animals who abused democracy,
They feed ordinary people fallacy,
Theyvare actors and actresses,
Giving false hopes and promises.

Pigs are in the city hall,
Crocodiles debate in the senate,
The snakes are in the palace,
Beyond them is the lion,
The head of the corrupt Organization.

Family oriented
By M.G.G.M

Filipino family is defferent from other races,
I'm not talking about the faces,
Neither I refer to origin or traces,
It is not about their hospitality,
It is the love abd care fir their family.

Even if the family is populous,
No one dares one member to loose,
Unity is natural for each member ,
Reunion is their way to remember,
To celebrate love even the years after.

Family is the basic societal institution,
An essential that constitute our nation,
A family that stays after many generation.
In problems they generate solution,
Better future for youth is what they vision.

By M.G.G.M

Justice is an idealistic virtue,
Most of the people believe its untrue,
They should not blame if they believe to,
Because corruption is the path they used to walk through.

The justice is blindfolded by self-interest,
The justice is usually delayed,
The seek for justice is indeed a challenge,
Law and justice system needs an absolute change.

Today's justice is said to be bias,
Its favors the rich and not the poor,
It comparisons the good and truth bearer,
And silently kills the rights defender,
Our law has no good to offer.

Irrevocable gap
By M.G.G.M

The gap between the poor and rich gets bigger,
As job apportunity gets fewer,
When literacy rate gets lower,
As common goods' pricess become higher,
That is how the gap becomes wider.

Many children cry because of hunger,
While rich childre's food is healthier,
The poor live insquatters area,
Whilr richman lived in exclusive villa,
It's clear that most people belongs in lower strata.

The rich get richer while the poor get poorer,
The gap between the two seems  to be irrevocable,
Many administrations think of this as not manageable,
The continious widening of their gap is erristable.

21st Century Youth
By M.G.G.M

Our youth should be nurture,
For they are the hope of our future,
Let them learn the basic skill,
So Learning process of motivation is what they shall feel.

The youth today is digitally-inclined,
Use of various transmedia are what they defined,
Their digital self presentation is not aligned,
A common problemthat should be addressed,
To netigate the cases like stress and depress.

Youths now are globally competitive,
In any field of works they are effective,
In public services and welfare they are produtive,
21st century are no that perfect,
But path for common good is what they select.

By M.G.G.M

It is important to be respected,
The mark of a free nation,
A state's power to protect his territory,
A symbol of Government supremacy,
The pillar of people's democracy.

No country should violate one's sovereignty,
Because that serves as nation entity,
Issues should be solve through diplomacy,
Use of violence is uncivilized way,
Let the peace and unity stay.

Cooperation should be developed in the region,
Development of each economy should be the mission,
Foreign policy should be serves as foundation,
Friendship among nation's sovereignty.

By M.G.G.M

Today's population is like a balloon,
Its size increases uncontrollably,
When it reaches the limit and capacity,
See it explodes like a massive population,
This leads to more problems of the nation.

Extreme poverty is what overpopulation gives,
jobless familues are whatveveryone might perceive,
In the future we might witness dying children,
Famine that makes their health condition worsen,
Forcing them to do illegal just to have something to br eaten.

Family planning is indeed needed,
Having many children is not a practical today ,
Education and welfare should be the priority,
Proper education will help our society,
Birth cobtrol should be placed in our mentality.

The cry of democracy
By M.G.G.M

Can you hear the familiar voice?
A voice that comes from unknown,
The growl that seems to be distinct,
But the truth is resisting and crying out loud,
Trying to be heard  by foolish crowd,
Unheard in a society where true justice is not allowed.

The evil placed an amitated one to the position,
Luring everybody that he has a good intention,
Transforming reality into an in dept illusion,
How long does the truth will cry?
The democracy we can see is a big lie.

Teen age pregnancy
By M.G.G.M

Today's generation shows a big change ,
As our youth faces serious challenge,
Is it because their innocence has taken advantage,
Or an unfortunate result of peer influences?
A problem that will hold their future chances.

A girl whom we used to see playing in the street,
They should be a students who are shaping their wit,
What happened to our future hope?
Confused of problems on how they will cope,
Sadlyending their lives using a rope.

Our women should be well guided,
Respect and proper treatment should be provided,
Importance of education should be realized,
Not hate but love and empathy should be emphasized.

Gender Roles
By M.G.G.M

Woman washes the dishes,
Man clear up the bushes,
Women clean the roads,
Men are working on the roads,
Their roles were taught to be permanent like codes.

The society is fast changing,
Patriarchal concept is now collapsing,
Equity for all genders are developing,
Discrimination between genders are avoided,
Both women and men are rrspected.

Don't ask what women can do ,
Neither question what men should wear,
Ones responsibility does not depend on their gender,
All is free to do their desires, duty, and will,
Both can do each role and that is real.

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