Chapter 15

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I know this has taken FOREVER, but I am working as hard as I can lol. I hope you all like it! Please vote and comment!!! <3 

This is dedicated to shorty101 for being AMAZING! She's an amazing reader :)



Two weeks passed.

I ignored Noah’s calls, and Landon never bothered. I was too afraid to make a move on my own. I heard a knock on my door and looked up as Hollis came in before I could answer. “Hey sweetie,” she said quietly, shutting the door behind her and sitting beside me on the bed. “Did he call?” She asked, and I shook my head, looking back at my phone I had been absentmindedly messing with.

“Listen, I’m sure he’s just waiting for you to call first. But don’t give in. He’ll eventually realize he’s being an ass.” She started playing with my hair and I let out a sigh. “What about Noah? Still ignoring him?” She asked after a moment of silence. I nodded. “Going to keep doing that? Or at least tell him what’s going on?”

“I don’t know what exactly to tell him. I’m sorry but I’m trying to choose between you and Landon? How do you just say something like that?”

“Listen James, I know I kind of cheered you on with this whole thing, but you knew what you were getting into. You can’t ignore it just because it isn’t easy. You have to sort it out before you feel even worse than you already do. I hate to see my little sister like this. Wes is ready to kick both their asses.”

“Well, I mean…before I talk to either of them, I want to know my decision.”

“Maybe that’s not what you need to figure out right this second.”

“You’re not making any sense.”

“Just go talk to Landon. Tell him that you’re confused, but you know you care about him too much to just let him go. And at least tell Noah that things are confusing right now. Just ignoring him is probably driving him crazy.”

Talking to Noah was easy. We met for coffee the next day, awkwardly sitting in silence for the first two minutes or so. “Something’s obviously wrong.” Noah said, slowly. “Just do it quickly, like ripping off a band aid.” I giggled, which ended in a strained sigh.

“Noah, I’ve just been very confused recently. I know I have feelings for you, but I know I also have feelings for Landon. I can’t promise exactly how everything is going to turn out.”

“Are you choosing him?” He asked, slowly.

“No, I mean…I don’t know.” I said, grabbing my head and letting out a frustrated grunt. “I didn’t want to keep ignoring you, but I don’t want to give you hope if I don’t know what I’m going to do.” Noah folded his hands and leaned across the table, gazing straight into my eyes.

“Listen, I told you from the beginning that this could just be about sex. I didn’t mean for either of us to drag emotion into this, but we did. I deeply care for you, James.” He took my hands into his. “Whether you choose me or not, I want you to be happy.” He grinned and chuckled before adding, “But choosing me would make me happy too.” I laughed along with him and shook my head.

“You’re such a goober.”

“So, you were telling me about your internship coming up. Are you excited?” He changed the subject, which I took notice of but decided not to comment on.

“Extremely. It’s not that I don’t like my job, but this is finally what I’ve been working toward. To say I’m excited is a major understatement.”

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