Chapter 21

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Guys...this is the last chapter before the epilogue. I know it took a long time to get here, and I'm happy for all of you that stayed with me through it! Please send many many messages! I LOVVVEEE reading them :) They make my days. 

The song I mention in this chapter is on the side. I love it, I ask my boyfriend to play it all the time on the guitar. He's really amazing. I wish I could attach a recording of him playing it on here but he would probably not be happy about that, lol. 

Love you all my dahlings! 




I hobbled my way down to the front door with my knee still out of whack. I managed to make myself look pretty good though. I wanted to make sure I looked my best, like I was just fine without him, but I also didn’t want to look like I tried to look pretty for him. It had been a hard dilemma, but I’d managed a safe middle of dressy casual. I made my way out the door and was instantly met by Landon running up to help me into the car.

“You should’ve buzzed me in, I would’ve helped you down.” He said quickly, looking worriedly down at my injuries. I waved him away from me.

“I managed just fine on my own.” I replied, coldly. He seemed shocked at my tone, but didn’t question it. He also refused to stop helping me, taking my arm and leading me to the car.

The car ride started off in an awkward silence. I was unsure what to say, especially because I wasn’t about to try polite conversation when we were just going to discuss him leaving me. Landon tried to break the thick silence after we’d been driving for a few minutes.

“I hope you like this place. It reminds me of you a little.”

“What do you mean?” I took the bait.

He smiled, obviously happy that I was actually speaking with him. “The décor. It’s a nice café close to the water. The inside is really warm and welcoming, and it’s a family owned business so all of the employees are all really nice too. Their baked goods are delicious, really rich.”

“You’re mistaken, that would be you.” I joked, wanting to smack myself on the head after I said it. I was supposed to be cold and angry, not joking with the man! He chuckled in response to my poor excuse of a joke.

“Yes…I guess that would be if you were talking about money. But I’m talking about substance, about character.” I was confused for a moment. Was he…complimenting me? What was going on here?

I didn’t have a chance to ask because we pulled into a parking spot at the waterfront and Landon got out and ran around to my side. I once again was helped to walk, much to my glee though I would not have admitted it. When we walked inside, I instantly saw what he meant. The walls were warm golden tones, the booths a deep red. The side facing the water consisted of giant windows and French doors that were open to a patio where several groups were out enjoying the cool weather and the salty breeze. The patrons sitting inside still had a beautiful view of the water, and I could hear the live guitarist sitting outside playing Corcovado.

We sat close to the open doors in a cozy booth, ordered our drinks, and I could feel the guitar music swaying me into a feeling of ease. “So…” Landon’s voice pulled me back to reality, and I suddenly remembered why we were there.

“What did you want to talk about? Is this about you leaving to go to Africa? Because Abby told me. Sounds like a great opportunity.” I said, trying to sound supportive, but really my voice just came out flat and frigid.

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