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we walk in and we see the boys sitting down and mattia with his arms on his knees and his hands on his head

"Mattia" I said walking up
to him

he looks up and runs to me and hugs me tight, I smiled and hug him and rubbed his back

"Princess..." He said with his voice cracking

"Yes?" I said hugging him still

"I don't think he's gonna be okay" He said with his voice cracking

"M-Mattia don't say that" I said hugging his tighter

I hear his nose running and my shoulder started to feel wet, I pull away from the hug

but he didn't, I hug him back again and He let's go and walks off fast, I look at the boys and they are looking at mattia

I follow mattia and he goes to the restroom, I walk in there with him and close the door and lock it

(where i live, in the hospital there's only one well like not one out of the whole hospital but it's like a family bathroom so yea..)

He looks at me and tears are just going down his face, I frown a little and wipe his tears and hug me

"What happened?" I said as he hug back

"Dad got in a car accident...he's in a coma" He said as his voice cracked

"I'm sorry mattia" I said hugging him

he pulls away and goes and wash his face, I smile at him and he smiles a little

"No. smile big and stay hope that he will be okay" I said looking at him

"No it's okay" He said trying to walk out

"noo smile big" I said pulling his arm

"if I smile big and stay with it. would you give me a kiss" He said looking at me

I smiled and nod, He smiles and I smile and kiss him on his lips, soft and smooth as always

I pull away and he has his smile on still, I hug him and we walk out and go back to the boys

they get up and hug mattia, we all at down, Kairi was beside me and mattia was on the other side

"what happened bro?" Alvaro said looking at mattia

"Y/n can you tell them" He said looking at the floor

"Sure. His dad got in a accident and.....he's in a coma" I said looking at them

"o-oh, sorry to hear" All of them said looking at mattia

𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 (𝗠.𝗽)Where stories live. Discover now