The final </3

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this is the chapter :)

enjoy </3


I smiled to myself as I heard my alarm go off, I turn it off and I turn to see kairi smiling at me? how the hell did he get in my hotel room?! weirdo...

"today is the day huh?" He said softly

"B-Bitch how the fuck did you get in my hotel room..?" I said looking at him

"Don't forget me" emily said popping out

"w-what the—"

"get your ass up! Today is the day!" kairi said cutting me off as he jumped on my bed

"Yup" I said smiling as I got up

"congratulations" kairi said hugging me tight

"k-kai?" I said shook at his actions

"You really grown up" He said softly

"If your crying i'm gonna call you a pussy" I said laughing

"Mann I hate you" He said pulling away fast walking to the door. I didn't see his face

"PUSSY!" I shouted while laughing

"I'm really am happy for you" He said smiling at me with tears in his eyes

"Awe dodo head" I said smiling as happy tears got in my eyes

"man I'm leaving..i'm gonna help mattia and" He said giving me a box

I look at him and he smiles. I take the box and he smiles and turns around and leaves. I smiled and open the box and see a gorgeous necklace. I smiled and close the box up

"Alright bitch let's get ready!" lauren shouted as she busted through the door

"What the hell!" I said while laughing

"Hey sis!" maiya said smiling as she walked through the door

"MAIYA" I said smiling as I hugged her

"hey idiot" my mom said walking through the door

"Of course yall would have to be here on my best day" I said as tears got into my eyes

"man shut up and don't cry before you make us cry. go brush your teeth and take a shower and we will get everything ready" lauren said smiling

"okay" I said smiling

"Y/n me and maiya are gonna go home and get ready. we will come back when we're done" my mom said looking at me

"okay mom. love you" I said hugging her

she smiled and pulled back. I grabbed my towel and a pair of shorts and a random shirt and went to take a shower. today was the day.

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