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I slowly open my eyes to see mattia sleeping. I was facing him, I felt my face turn a little red, I moved but the grip got stronger

"Don't move" He said in his morning voice

"I-I'm uncomfortable in—"

"I MADE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE! I'm sorry" He said in a worried tone

"No-No it's fine, I meant in this dress" I said smiling at how worried he was

"Oh-I'll give you a shirt- Fuck my head hurts" He said holding his head

"Do you have pills?" I said looking at him

"Yeah? it's in the drawer beside you" he said looking at me

I nod and turn to the side and saw the night stand beside me. I open the drawer and saw some condoms

"SORRY! That's so embarrassing" He said as he quickly shut the drawer looking down turning red

I couldn't help but to bust out laughing, I was laughing so hard tears got into my eyes, I thought it was hilarious

'she is something' mattia thought to his self as he was watching you laugh with a smile on his face

"I'm never gonna get over that" I said sitting up as I stop laughing

"Ohh shut upp" He said getting up

"sit down. Let me grab you some water" I said pulling him

He turns around and looks at me, My eye widen as I realized our height difference. was he always this tall?

"Your short" He said looking down at me

"Fuck off, Get your own water" I saw walking back to the bed

He started laughing and walked off, I couldn't help myself but to smile. He comes back and goes into his dresser and grabs a shirt and throws it at me

"put that on so you won't still be uncomfortable" He said with a smile

"okay" I said getting up going to t he restroom

"where are you going?" He said grabbing into my arm softly

"Bathroom to change?" I said looking at him

"Why? I seen you naked before?" He said laughing

"W-WHAT?!" I said turning red

"I did take your virginity princess" He said as he grabbed onto my jawline

"D-Don't do that" I said turning red backing away from him

"Admit princess, You know i'm fine" He said in a smooth voice.

"Psh. shut up..." I said turning red walking into the bathroom

I turn around to close the door and I saw mattia looking at me with a smirk, I smiled at him and closed the door

"You cute asshole" He shouted from the other side of the door

I smiled and laugh and took my dress off and put on that shirt he gave me- Woah. this shirt was huge-

"It fits like a dress huh?" I heard mattia said on the other side of the door

"Y-Yeah! It's huge" I said laughing opening the door

𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 (𝗠.𝗽)Where stories live. Discover now