Do what you wanna do.

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As time went on i got more curious as to what happened at the party so I decided to call the number that the guy gave me.

*ring ring, ring ring*

??-Hello?Who is this?

L-Hi. My name is Olivia.

??-Oh. Hello. Why are you calling?

L- well I ran into a guy at the mall who said you were his cousin...and he gave me your number. He said we meet at a party.

???- Oh. That was you. Well hello Olivia. I am Zachary. But you can call me Zack.

L- Hello Zack. You can call me Liv. I was just calling to find out what happened at the party....I have a blank on what happened.

Z- Well, you ran into my cousin who was hanging out with his girlfriend and he introduced you to me. You were pretty drunk but was trying to act normal...

L- Go on....

Z- as the night progressed everyone got together for a game of Never have I ever and spin the bottle...You drank about three beers in NHIE and we had to kiss a few times in Spin The Bottle.


Z- not done yet...Before your sister dragged you away you said something I cant really remember because I was pretty wasted at that point but ya. So nothing too bad happened.

L- Well thanks for the clarification. Maybe we could meet up sometime and talk.

Z- we could but I am currently in a different state. I was only visiting my cousins place for a week or so. I am now back in Montana.

L- Well...crap....

Z- we could skype have a skype right?

L- Ya I do.

Z- well here's mine. ZackLivesToPlay

L- ok. Mine is SwimmingIsLife1617

Z- well I will call you later I guess. BYE

L- Bye. Talk to you later.

'Well...that cleared alot up.' I thought as I went to find Jen. I decided that I wanted to go to the pool and swim to clear my head.

"JEN IMMA HEAD OVER THE THE POOL FOR A BIT. YOU WANNA COME?!?" I yell from the kitchen hoping she can hear me.

"Ya sure. Why not? I could use a swim." She says walking into the kitchen followed by an "ouch".

"Lol sorry didn't realize you were so close. Well let's get our stuff and head over to the pool. Sound good....maybe swim for an hour or 2?" I question.

"Ya I really should do more if I wanna be as good as you but that should be good." She responded.

So with that we headed off to the pool for a much needed workout.


Hey my dragons. I know it has been a long while. But I am back and in action. Working on multiple up dates to all of my stories. But ya. I'm not dead. And I am hopefully back for a while. It is currently swim season for me and I am getting swamped with homework but I will do everything in my power to update my stories as much as possible.
So without further a due.


Love you guys!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2015 ⏰

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