chapter 3: shirtless guy in the elevator

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Y/n pov:

"Ah okay so the bath house closes around midnight" You asked the old lady behind the counter.
"Yes dear, the bath house closes at 12 and there's no need to use soaps or anything because we like to keep our bath water clean and oh! that's right no bathing suits" She said in a sweet voice.
"Ahh I don't have a bathing suit anyways" You laughed.
The old lady stared at you and smiled.
"It's okay dear, the men and women's bathrooms are separated. They're next door but they won't see you."
"Oh okay thank you so much Miss! I'll go head to my room to change and get a towel then come back and head to the bath house" You said while waving goodbye to her while heading to the elevator.
"Bye dear! Be careful not to run so fast"

Osamu's pov:

"Excuse me ma'am, I would like to head to the bath house- please uh may I?" Osamu asked.
"Of course dear" The old lady smiled.
"For the men's bath please no soaps and no bathing suits, oh! and the bath closes at 12" She said politely with a smile.
"Ah alright then, thank ya so much ma'am" Osamu said while he bows his head.
"No problem dear"
"Oh I'll head to my room and change and grab a towel and I can come back right?" He asked.
"Of course dear, see you soon" The old lady replied.

*Osamu and Y/n both walked passed each other while entering/exiting the elevator and both of them didn't see each other.*

Y/n's pov:
"Whew I'm sorry I took long" You said while trying to catch your breath.
"No worries dear" The old lady said.
"So uh do I pay ya? Or do I do it after the bath?" You asked.
"Oh no need to pay me dear, you're the students who are here for the volleyball game right?"
"Uh yes! Yes I am, I'm their manager" You said.
"Then it's alright Students get to go for free since it's a school thing. So enjoy your bath!" The old lady said while bowing her head to you.
"Ah thank you so much an-" You paused because you felt like you forgot something, and you realize that you forgot to tie up your hair.
"Oh no I forgot my hair tie for my hair! I'll be back I promise! I'm so sorry about this" You exclaimed.
"No worries dear"

You ran off to the elevator and waited till it came.

It opened, and you saw a shirtless guy standing and wearing a white towel around his waist and looking to the sides of the elevator with one hand behind his head and the other one his hips. You started to get flustered at looking at his upper body but you didn't make eye contact and you both went your separate ways.

Osamu's pov:

"Hey I'm back ma'am, sorry to keep ya waiting" Osamu said while bowing his head.
"No worries dear" The old lady smiled.
"So I can go in now?" He asked.
"Yes dear the men's is on th-" She paused to hear her son who was the manager of the hotel shout out to her to tell her that his wife is pregnant and will be having a baby.

The old lady got so happy he went right towards her son and her daughter in-law.

Osamu didn't want to bother the family so he decided to look for the bath himself.

"I think it's this one" He said while opening the door.
"Oh that's cool, nobody here, sweet" He smiled.
"Where's the big boy toliets? Maybe they don't have any in this bath but it's alright" He said to himself.

Y/n's pov:

"Hey I'm bac-" You stopped to see the old lady laughing and chitchatting with a couple. You obviously didn't wanna bother them so you decided to look at the directions for the girl's bath. You saw on the signs to go right to your bath.

"I think it's this one and it is" You said while getting excited to see what the bath will look like.
"Oh the log in sheet. Let's see- ouu I'm the only one tonight! let's gooo!" You said to yourself.

"Okay, now it's time to relax"

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