Chap. 23

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Yongsun POV
I'm a bit afraid because I'm still not ready to do it. And if I told her she might feel upset about it, so I just said the possible thing could happen.

We just got back home a day ago. We got good sleep since we had a tiring day coming back home.

We're sitting on the couch doing nothing. Since I'm bored I decided to do our laundry.

"Byul, I'm going to do the laundry," I said then stand up but she holds my waist that makes me sit on her lap.

"Who is Byul?" She then put her chin on my shoulder. "I'm not Byul anymore, call me names," she said then kissed my cheek and it makes me turn a bit red.

"Then, hon? Babe? My love?" I ask while sitting on her lap because she won't let me go.

"Anything, the most important thing is it came from you," she then kisses my neck and it makes me got the giggles.

"Fine let me go now, I'm going to do the laundry," I said pushing her hands away from my hips.

"Nah, give me my kisses first," she did in a cute voice, I can't resist if she did this.

Then I face her and give her kisses on the cheek. But she keeps pointing her lips and I know what it means so I kiss her on the lips.

"Can I do the laundry now, babe?" I ask her and look into her eyes.

"You can go now," she shows me her nose muscle and set my hips free.

I then walk to the laundry room. She is a bit annoying, but my life will be boring if she's not annoying so I like it that way.

Byul's POV
I feel great teasing her, because why not? She looks so cute when she got annoyed sometimes. The good thing is that even though she is a bit annoyed with me she still loves me.

I pull my phone out of my locket to play games since I'm a bit bored. I'm about to open the app but then I heard that she calls me.

"Byul! Babe!" She calls me.

This might not be good, or she will just ask for help right? What did I do in the laundry room? I didn't do anything there. Wait, she's doing 'all' the laundry and I haven't separated my boxers. She will be confused if that is the case.

So I run to the laundry room as fast as I can. Then I saw her sitting with cross legs while holding my boxers.

"Is this Hoseok's? Because Taehyung and Jin don't have boxers like this," she said in confusion.

I know this will be the case. How can I explain to her that it's mine? I'm a woman on the upper part but I'm a guy below.

"Uhmm, it's actually..." I cut what I'm saying because I'm kinda nervous.

"Actually what?" She asks back.

"It's mine," I said then avoid eye contact with her.

"You gotta be kidding me," she then giggles nervously.

"I'm telling the truth it's mine," I said sincerely because I know she will not believe it.

"So you have a fucking dick!?" She said aggressively but I just nod at her. "You had a penis surgery!?" She added.

"It's not surgery, I'm born with it," I look at her dead in the eyes to make her believe me.

"You sure your not playing around?" She looks at me like I did something wrong.

"If you don't believe me, then I'll show it to you," I'm about to pull my pants down but she stops me.

"Stop it," she covers her eyes. "I believe you now because there's a bunch of boxers here," she pointed at my boxers.

I bend my knees down to help her do the laundry since I'm here anyway. We're done putting the laundry on the washing machine so we got up.

"You're disgusted to me now?" I ask her then lower my head.

"No, no, I'm just shocked about it okay. I'm not disgusted with you. It's there since you are born, I can do nothing about it. All I need to do is to love you the way you are," she then hugs me.

"I love you," I whisper to her ears.

"I love you too," she replied without breaking the hug.

Since she knows about it I think it's the time.

"You wanna do it tonight?" I ask her and she became pale. "Are you okay?" I then look at her eyes.

"Can we not do it tonight? I mean if you want it th-then we can," she said.

I understand that she is not ready yet. She might love giving and receiving a kiss or a passionate one, but she's still afraid of losing it.

"I'm not forcing you to do it. Don't worry I can wait," I then kiss the tip of her nose.

If I force her because of my desire, it can't be called love, it calls rape. And it's not good to be raped, they can get traumatised and I don't want her to be traumatised because I love her and only her.

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