Chap. 31

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Two days after Byul went to Japan
Yongsun POV
It's been two days since she when to Japan and two days since I'm home alone. I'm not that sad because I know she will be back in the next three days. I also went to the company to do this.

Today, appa said that I can't go to the company if I don't want to and just stay home. Well, my lazy ass is eating my mood so I just stay home.

I already did the laundry and clean the other half of the house. I got tired so I decided to take a break and sit on the couch.

"I wonder if she had breakfast this morning," I ask myself as someone will answer it.

I look at the clock and it's almost lunchtime. So I go to the kitchen and cook something that contains the ingredients left. As I open the cabinet there are only some ingredients left.

"I should go shopping later," I promise to myself.

I only cool the things I have in the kitchen. While I'm cooking my phone suddenly rings. I look at the number ID and its Byul.

"Hello?" I answer the phone and continue cooking.

"I miss you~," Byul whine on the other side and I just giggle at her.

"I miss you too. I miss your hugs," I then pouted as if she can see it.

"I miss your kisses," she did in a cute voice and I laugh at her.

"Don't do that there, there might be people who can see you doing that and they might think your insane," I said and I laugh. I'm done cooking so I put it on the plate.

"You just can see it," she teases me on the other line and I sit on the table eating my food.

"You got me there," I said and she laughs.

"Oops, gotta go they are looking for me. Love you," she said and the other line.

"Love you too," I said and hang up.

By just hearing her voice makes me feel good. I can still hear her voice even though we are done talking to each other. I love her cute voice especially when she added a whine on it.

After a few minutes, I am done eating. I put my plates on the sink and wash them. I also clean the other kitchen tool I use. Then I remember that I am going to go shopping.

After I wash the dishes I go upstairs and change my clothes into proper outside clothing. I am all changed so I go to my car and drive to the supermarket.

The time I get there I park my car first and got inside. I got a trolley where I am going to put the things I'm going to buy.

I first go to the poultry section to buy a tray of eggs and some meat. After I got there I then go to the dry ingredients to bit some seasoning. I put it all on the trolley and go to the drinks section. I grab some milk but then a familiar voice interrupts me.

"Seems like your shopping alone," I look at it and it's Claire and she's holding a juice.

"Uhm, yeah," is all the thing I say because Byul doesn't want me talking to this girl.

Jungkook POV
I am following Yongsun noona ever since she got inside the supermarket. I am hiding from her so that she will not think of strange things I am doing.

I know it's called stalking but it's an order from Byul noona. She wants me, BM, and Yong noona's friend to look at her while she is in Japan.

Flashback on the hotel
"Look, guys, I call you here for a reason," Byul noona said and we sit on the hut.

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