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"a waiting game is a painful game"

Caroline wandered the halls aimlessly

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Caroline wandered the halls aimlessly. Wondering how long her friends would be away. King Christian, Damon, Oliver, Lucy, and Draco were called to the battlefield. Stefan had a choice to stay or leave, as they only needed five soldiers from this unit. And Caroline and Elena had been raised and trained as princesses, not a warriors. Except the basic self defense stuff her dad taught her.

She knew full well her friends were badasses who could handle themselves. Especially Lucy. But the blood filled image in her mind wouldn't stop invading her thoughts and it was driving her crazy.

"Hey, Caroline." Bonnie came in her room awkwardly.

"Hey, Bonnie. How are you?" Caroline asked.

"Oh good. I was supposed to have a date tonight but Lucy left and-"

"A date? I can help you with that if you'd like?" She was desperate for something to do.

"Really? Okay, sure." Bonnie smiled widely and they got to planning.

The two left in their black hoods, trying to stay out of sight. Normally it wouldn't matter what she did. Her dad and Oliver were always trying to get her to go outside. But with a potential threat in the castle, everyone had a curfew and was on lockdown.

They snuck into the woods and saw a carriage arrive. Count Lorenzo St John came into their line of sight and Bonnie blushed heavily, suddenly feeling very nervous.

"Darling." He took her hand and kissed it, making her her smile even wider. "You look beautiful."

"So do you. Or uh- handsome. Is what I meant-" she stammered.

"Have fun you two."

Over the course of the next two months, Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline, had all grown as close friends. They'd read, sneak out to the forest, and spend every day together. Elena had spilled that Duke Damon was her mystery man from Paris and she was beginning to have second thoughts about the wedding. Despite it being her 'duty.'

Bonnie and Caroline were being taught people skills by Elena. First it was as a joke. Then it came to be pretty helpful.

After another two weeks, a telegram was sent and her father read it in front of everyone.

"What's it say?" Caroline asked excitedly.

"Alright it says-" he stopped short. "A bomb has gone off. Almost half the people in battle were killed." The girls' face went pale. "It's ended, the living soldiers are coming home, but we don't know who lived or didn't."

"Surely not Oliver." Caroline tried saying. Or Lucy. She didn't want to imagine anything even remotely terrible happening to them.

Robert put the note down and took off his glasses, "All we can do is wait."

And wait they did.

Another month before the soldiers abruptly came home. Oliver and Draco burst in the room. Caroline felt her nerves drift away at the sight of her brother's face. Damon followed behind them. They looked past and Caroline swore she felt her knees almost buckle to the floor when they saw no one else.

Elena ran to Damon, enveloping him in a hug. Caroline turned around to hide her tears. "Anyone miss me?" Never had she been so happy to hear her voice.

"Lucy?" She turned around.

"Hey, sunshine." She smiled. Lucy was bruised and bloody all over. Her dad came in behind her, both slightly injured but gradually healing. "Are those tears for me?"

She didn't respond. Instead she ran up to her like her life depended on it. Lucy's arms were already open as she waited for the hug. It felt like the hug before she left, but this one was filled with something else. Something Lucy couldn't understand or quite put her finger on.

"I have an announcement to make." Draco said in the midst of hugs. "I'm breaking off the engagement."

Queen Kallista looked as if she could faint.

"I fear I'm in love with someone else." He turned to Oliver, who looked at him happily.

"I will not allow this-" his mother tried saying. But Draco had already made his way to Oliver, kissing him lovingly.

"I apologize, Elena." Draco states.

"It's alright. I was also having second thoughts. For the Duke Damon Salvatore has taken my heart." She confessed. "It may go against species rules, but if you'll have me."

Damon limped his way off the couch and lifted her in the air, spinning her around happily. Lucy rolled her eyes yet felt happy, "what a joyful occasion."

"I will not stand for this." Queen Kallista stormed out of the room.

"Oh look. It got even more joyful." Lucy joked again.


Lucy sat on her stool, painting on her canvas. She finally had access to paint and the first thing she drew surprised her. A blonde girl with her back turned stared into the sunset and Lucy drew it completely absentmindedly.

A knock on the door made her turn the canvas around. "Come in."

"Hey, just wanted to see how you were doing." Caroline walked in.

"A lot better now that I'm home." Lucy said without thinking. Home?

"I'm glad. I uh- I missed you."

"Really?" She smirked.

"Shut up, I also missed Draco and Ollie."

"If it's less nerve wracking...I missed you too."

"Really?" She asked surprised.

"In fact I thought of you almost the whole time." Lucy said before surprising Caroline - and herself - by kissing her on the lips softly. What surprised the blonde the most was,

she kissed Lucy back.


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