Crushed.. {1}

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Before I start, yes, requests are open. Just comment or dm me :)



I will put TW// before and after the triggering section :)

"There was a saying, Phil..." The curly haired man smiled, "It was never meant to be..!" He looked up to his father, tears in his eyes, as he reached and pressed to button that would bring destruction.

"What do you..-" The sound of explosions ringed out as the wall blasted open, throwing them back against the other side of the small cave. Phill stared as buildings came crashing down and people ran to seek shelter. "Will!.. It's all gone.." He laughed a bit at the thought. All of his son's work.. Destroyed by its builder.

He son let out a long sigh, "My l'manburd, Phill!" He took a moment to look at the fire, edmiring how it danced. "My unfinished symphony, fovever unfinished!" He looked back at Phill, the reality of the situation slowly creeping into his mind, causing him to talk in a much more rushed tone. "I-If I can't have this, no o-one can." Panic slowly took over his mind as he thought about what they would do to him. "P-Phill.." He paused as insane panic was clear in his eyes, "I need you to kill me, Phill."



I was chatting with Tubbo when I heard a small hissing noise. I looked at Tubbo and he started to shrug. Next thing I know, I'm trown into a nearby wall. I call out in pain as I have the wind knocked out of my lungs. I froze up as I saw a piller start to fall. 


As it gets closer I start to run but suddenly I'm forced down by a falling rock. The piller falls on my legs and I hear a sickening snap. Soon after pain flows throughout my legs as I feel the bone stick out from my skin. I scream in pain and it seem to have alerted someone as I hear a faint, "hello?!"

"I'M OVER HERE, PLEASE!" I scream, pledding for them to come.

"TOMMY? TOMMY WEAR ARE YOU?!" I can feel the air start to leave my grast and panic. Suddenly another boulder falls on the piller, rolling on my legs. I let out a bloodcurtiling scream as I can feel the bone moving further out of my leg. Fire and smoke makes it's way over and I start to caugh as I try to tell them where I am.

I manage to breath and shout, "PILLER, PLEASE I CAN'T BRE- AUGH" My shoe was too close. The fire slowly burns and boils my skin. I try to manuvior out of the rock to but out the fire. As I move the rock does too, yetnot where I want. The further I strugle, the futher down the rock goes. I hear a structure near me fall and let out a startled scream.

Tears stream down my face as I start helplessly pleading for life. I hear more people start to serch for me, telling me to keep talking. I hear others being caired away to tend to wounds as many people are crying.  "I- *caugh* I'm o-ov-er he- *caugh* here.." I slowly start to lose breath as I feel the piller lifted, fallowed by shouting.

"Ov-- ---e!"

"--'s G---n- -- -e -kay!"

"You're Go--- -o -- o---."

"Get the --ble h-re!!"



I open my eyes to see someone with small horns crying. "H-hello? Wh-y a-are you cry-crying" He doesn't respond. Either he's ignoring me, he's too sad, or he can't here me. "O-Oi a-assh-hat d-d-don't fu-fucki-ng i-ignore me!" My speach is broken and echo-y but I'm sure the broken speach part can be solved with time. "H-hey T-Tubbo i-it's ru-rude to i-ignore p-people, b-bitch." Tubbo..? Why did I call him that? Do I know this kid? "O-Oi f-fucker, I-I'm sp-speak-ing t-to you!" I go to tap his shoulder, but instead fall foward and do a small flip in the air. "W-What the f-fuck?" I go to touch him again, and this time a small flash of light appeared in my vision. "Sh-shit, t-that's f-fuckn' b-br-bright.."

"T-Tommy?" I look behind me to see the b-.. Tubbo looking between me and.... me? It looks like me but, sleeping?

"S-s-su-p b-big T!"

Tommy angst one shots because yesWhere stories live. Discover now