Chapter 22: Viktor returns

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Athena spent a full week isolated in her bedroom, only coming out for the toilet. Her appearance changed- her hair now pin-straight, her eyes dropped and bloodshot, and her face constantly wore a depressed expression.
"Mum, dad, Ginny, Ron, Harry and Hermione are here to see you Athena!" George called, and a few seconds later, they all came in.
"Hello dear" molly said, hugging Athena for an unusually long amount of time.
"Wow, I like your hair!" Ginny said. "Also I got this, look how cute it is!". She handed Athena a small, pink, fluffy ball that was indeed very cute.
"Aw, it's adorable" Athena said, a small smile cracking.
"You'll have to teach me that straightening charm, it looks amazing!" Hermione said, stroking the ball of fluff.
"Of course I'll show you Hermione" Athena responded, also stroking it.
"Dear, you look exhausted, you need sleep!" Molly said. "I'll make some cake ready for when you wake up, alright?"
"Yes, fine. I'll take a nap"
After they all left the room to see Fred, George helped her go off to sleep.
"Remember, I'm right here, and I'll be here when you wake up alright?" He said softly.
"Thank you" Athena responded.
Molly finished the cake as Andromeda, Ted and Tonks walked in, checking in on Athena before they all sat down to eat. It was a magnificent chocolate cake, with chocolate dipped strawberry's surrounding it: but it had seemed that molly had used the 'cheer-me-up chocolate' that the twins created, because everyone was the happiest that they'd been all year. Athena and Harry were laughing away, for the first time since Sirius' death- and by the end of it, Athena's hair returned to its frizzy, curly state.
Viktor arrived in England with Josephine, her fussing about with hundreds of trunks, him with just a black satchel. His beard had grown since the last time Athena saw him, and he looked slightly more matured. The second he walked through the door, Athena hugged him, Josephine merely waving, her blonde hair swishing.
"I missed you so much!" Viktor said. "I really like the flat"
"Thanks, but it's George and Fred's" Athena responded. "They opened a joke shop downstairs if you'd like to go see-" Athena had been cut off.
"My father rezently bought viktoire and me an 'Ouse in ze south of franze, near Paris!" Josephine said.
Athena forced a smile- at least her father was bloody alive. "Lovely. Can I offer you a drink-"
"He alzo bought me a wine zellar, only with ze best drinks on ze market!"
Athena darted her a look. "Right, so wine Then"
"Non non non!" Josephine tutted. "Pazion fruit martini, stirred not shaken!"
Athena clicked her tongue, glaring at the girl. "So you expect me to pull a martini out of my cupboard?"
Viktor noticed her getting annoyed, so he tapped the woman, who took no notice.
"Non, you get it from ze bar-"
"Well, I'm afraid to say that we don't have a bloody bar!" Athena snapped.
Josephine adjusted the sunglasses on her head with a manicured hand. "Viktoire, I demand you retrieve me a martini!"
"He doesn't need to retrieve you anything, he's not a damned house elf!". Athena was furious, how this woman walked into someone else's flat, expecting everyone to do her bidding! Fred and George retreated slightly, feeling the anger radiating off of her. "Get out!" She snapped.
Josephine collected her trunks, turning on a heel. "Come on, Viktoire"
As Viktor turned to leave, Athena grasped his hand. "Viktoire isn't going anywhere!" She said.
Josephine turned sour, getting inches away from Athena's face- Fred and George where on the other side of the room now.
"You can not take away my boyfriend!" She said harshly.
"He's been my brother a lot longer than you've been his girlfriend" Athena responded calmly.
Josephine exited dramatically, muttering things in french, Athena rolling her eyes.
"Viktor, can I ask you something mate?" George asked.
Viktor nodded, followed George into a different room, Athena turning to Fred.
"Posh twat" Fred said, helping himself to a biscuit.
"What did I say, huh? French fancy" Athena responded. "Any idea about what they're talking about?"
"Like I'd tell you!" Fred laughed. "You'll find out soon, but big things are in store"
It wasn't like the twins to keep things from Athena, but it must be for a reason, and Athena respected that. "Yeah, alright" she responded.
Once Viktor left to go break things off with Josephine, and night time rolled around once again, Athena stood in front of the mirror trying to comb her hair. George sat in bed; but instead of reading his book, he was watching Athena. He stood up, walking to her, taking the comb out of her hand before brushing it carefully himself.
"What where you talking to Viktor about?" She asked.
"Something really important- I just don't know when to do it" he responded, going at a small knot.
"Well, with all this chaos and a second war on the horizon, it'll have to be soon or now, or it'll be never" she responded.
"Guess I could do it now" George responded, running over to his bed side table, pulling out a small box and rushing back to her. "I was going to ask your dad... so the closest thing to him was your brother"
He got onto one knee, opening the box, containing a simple silver ring with a lapis lazuli gem in the centre.
"I was asking him if I could marry you" he said. "And he said yes." A huge grin formed on his face. "Athena Druella Karkaroff, I am certain that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so, will you marry me?"
"George Fabian Weasley, of course I will marry you!" She responded, flying into his arms once again.
The next evening, they returned to the burrow for dinner with Fred, ready to deliver the news.
Fluer sat glued to Bill, Ginny making silent throwing-up gestures in response.
George tapped his goblet, standing up slowly. "Athena and I have some news." He said.
"Athena's not pregnant right?" Ginny asked.
"What- no!" Athena laughed.
"We're..." George said, holding up Athena's hand, showing the ring. "... engaged!"
Molly jumped out of her seat, fanning herself dramatically. "Oh, excellent! I better make a special pudding! Ooh I'm thrilled!"
Fluer muttered something to bill, which Ginny heard and responded to quickly: "there's a difference, we actually like Athena"
"Er, Gin!" Athena said. "Don't be like that!"
"Yeah I was about to say, Ginny." Bill said. "Tad bit harsh"
Being back at Hogwarts felt great- being back in the full swing of work brightened Athena's mood somehow. This years goal was too keep an eye on Draco Malfoy, the boy who had Athena had hit multiple times in her 6th year- and unfortunately turned out to be her cousin.
There was a new Slytherin professor named Horace Slughorn: he was ecstatic to meet Athena.
"Viktor krum's half-sister and favourite person? Blimey!" He had said in the train. "I've also heard that you are engaged to Harry Potter's best friends brother?"
"News travels" Athena had responded calmly, before turning back to Minerva and Tonks, Tonks staying at Hogwarts with a few other Aurors Athena knew, for the schools protection- her hair still mousy brown.
"How come you're keeping an eye on Draco?" She asked.
"I feel that I have to- and somethings clearly not right with him, Harry has been reporting odd things he's been doing all summer!" Athena responded. "And I suppose he is family, so it's only right to get him on the good side before it's too late".

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