Chapter 38: Happily ever after

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The aftermath of the war wasn't easy for anyone. Countless funerals were held for the lives of innocent students Athena had taught, not to mention her own brother and Remus. Tonks was beside herself with constant grief, the only thing keeping her sane being Teddy. 

Athena had been called forward for an award ceremony for the war, and that was the first time she saw Tonks after the battle. They sat beside each other in the large hall, anticipating what was to come. Kingsley Shacklebolt, the new minister, stood at the front on a large podium. 

"Good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen. Today we gather for the rightful awards of those who fought like warriors against He-who-must-not-be-named, and who brought us the peace and tranquillity that we have today." Kingsley announced. "We shall start with Order of Merlin, Third class: Luna Pandora Lovegood, for helping Harry Potter on his quest for the final Horcrux. Hermione Jean Granger, who also helped Harry Potter for seven years. Ron Billius Weasley, for the constant loyalty for Harry. May they all step forward."

The three walked up to the stage with smiles etched upon their faces. Kingsley pinned white medals onto their chests, congratulating them with a round of applause.

"Now, we move to second class: Neville Frank Longbottom, for the bravery of standing up for his rights and his contribution to the defeat of He-who-must-not-be-named. The late Collin Creevey, for his determination and bravery, and his sacrifice and loyalty. May Neville and Collin's representative come forward"

Nevile helped Dennis Creevey, Collin's younger brother to the podium, taking his purple medal with rightful pride. Dennis and his mother began crying, their purple medal encased beautifully with a picture of Collin.

"And Finally, for the highest honour a being could collect, the order of Merlin first class. The award has only been won by the most talented witches and wizards, such as Albus Dumbledore and Podric Batworthy. So, may I award the following with such an award: The late Remus John Lupin, for his role in the Order of the Phoenix and his early demise- the first werewolf to ever be awarded. Minerva Isobel McGonagall, for her actions at the Battle of Hogwarts. Viktor Krum, for sacrificing his own life to save another, and for his actions in the sporting world. Harry James Potter, for defeating He-who-must-not-be-named for good, for his constant bravery and facing death for the benefit of others. The late Severus Snape, for his actions of being a duel agent and his loyalty to Dumbledore, for his brave death and for his contribution to Harry Potter's success. And for our final award, Athena Druella Karkaroff, for the bravery of opposing her own family for what was right, for saving the lives of Percy Ignatius Weasley, Fred Gideon Weasley and many others, for the brave action of killing Bellatrix Lestrange, loyal death-eater to He-who-must-not-be-named, and her own mother, for her protective nature, and for her immense power- she is the youngest witch ever to receive this award, at the age of just twenty-one. May they and their representatives come forward". Kingsley boomed.

Athena walked alongside Tonks, Minerva and Harry up to the stage. Tonks was first to collect her husband's award, then Minerva collected hers and Severuses'. Harry collected his own, and then Athena took hers and Viktor's. The feeling of achievement swept through the hall, and Tonks began to cry happy tears.

"Oh Dora," Athena said, hugging her as she wept. "He deserved this award more than any of us. Teddy will be so proud".


1st of September, 2012.

King's Cross station hadn't changed nearly as much as Athena's life. She had become Head auror and a high-ranking ministry official and given birth to two sets of twins. Viktor Igor Weasley and Fred Percy Weasley II had been born 28th of January, 1999, and Dora Elizabeth Weasley and Molly Minerva Weasley had been born two years later on the 16th of May, 2001. Viktor and Fred both had Athena's brown, curly hair, but took mostly after their father and uncle with their jokes and pranks on their sisters. Dora and Molly both had flaming red hair, but constantly studied and got the marks Athena once did. 

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