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*At Chloe's house*
Chloe's Pov-

Chloe I'm going to call my dad I'll be there in a second

They leave to go to my room and I call my dad.


Dad- Hey sweetie how was the game

Chloe- It was amazing they won how is it there

Dad- That's good it is amazing we have to come here for our next vacation

Chloe- Where are you again

Dad- I'm in the Bahamas

Chloe- Oh I just called to ask you if I could go to a party. Don't worry I won't drink I won't have s*x

Dad- Okay but if you do drink please do it responsibly and if you do end up having sex use a condom tour to young to be a mom

Chloe- Yes I know and thank you... oh and also can I have Darianka, Mads, Nick and Cooper sleep

Dad- Yeah just don't make a mess and don't go in my room

Chloe- Thank you I will call you tomorrow I love you

Dad- I love you to goodbye


I walk back to my room and see the girls reading something.. SHIT ITS MY DIARY WITH MY SONGS

Darianka Omg you are a song writer

Chloe How did you find that

Mads It was open on the bed

Darianka You sing to don't you

Chloe No these are shit

Mads What no it's not they are really good

Darianka I think you should sing us one

Chloe I can't sing

Mads Well we don't care

Chloe Fine

I start to sing my song driver's license (OBVIOUSLY NOT HER SONG BUT IN THE STORY IT IS)
After I finished they were both looking at me weird.

Darianka You can't sing my ass that was amazing

Mads You really need to publish these

Chloe You think

Darianka YES everyone needs to hear these

Chloe I will thank you


Chloe Wait can you take a video of me

Mads Yeah sure

Mads Yeah sure

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