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Chloe's Pov-

I was woken up by the doctor cause he wanted to give me a check up. When he was finished he left.

Chloe Is our baby okay

Nick Both of you are okay

Chloe Oh thank god... I'm sorry that I did this

Nick Hey you didn't do anything baby. It wasn't your fault

Chloe I ruined our trip

Nick No you didn't princess

Dad Chloe

Chloe Daddy

Dad How are you feeling

Chloe It hurts

Dad I know it's going to for a while baby

Chloe When can I get out of here

Dad Sweetie you've got to be here for another week then your being transferred to the hospital in Canada

Chloe No I have to go out it's Nicks birthday

Nick Don't worry about me I will see you anyway

Dad And maybe you can get out for a couple of hours

Chloe When will I be able to walk again

Dad Not for a long time princess. Your foot is really bad so your going to have to use a wheelchair

Chloe This isn't how this was supposed to happen... I'm so sorry Nick I ruined your birthday trip

Nick No baby this is the best because it's with you

Chloe I love you

Nick I love you to

Chloerichards✔️: Old photo but thank you for asking me if I'm okay

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Chloerichards✔️: Old photo but thank you for asking me if I'm okay....


Tiktokroom: We're so glad your okay

User1: Thank god your okay

User2: She's so cute though

User3: We love it when Chloe posts her body because it shows that she's getting comfortable with it again

Hater1: 🤮

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Chloe I became 2 months pregnant yesterday

Dad Your really exited to see it taren't you

Chloe Yes I'm going to be a mom a mini me running around or a mini Vinnie

Dad I really wished you didn't get pregnant like that

Chloe Yeah me to but it happened and we move on from it and I'm okay with it

Dad I know baby

Dad I know baby

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Chloerichards✔️: Hey guys I just wanted to say that I am two months pregnant

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Chloerichards✔️: Hey guys I just wanted to say that I am two months pregnant. I know some of you are going to say that I'm to young and tbh I don't care I didn't plan this but it happened and we move on. The baby daddy's is Vinnie but he is not going to be in the baby's life because of what he has done to me. The farther is now going to be my boyfriend @nickaustin I don't care if you want to hate on me or Nick because we don't care but I hope you guys can respect my decision on keeping it


User1: OMFG

User2: Congratulations

Hater1: Your such a hoe having a baby at 15 how could you

User3: Congratulations Chloe you are going to be a great mother

NickAustin✔️: I love you baby

User4: You and Nick are going to be amazing parents

Mads.yo✔️: Congratulations Chloe

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Tiktokroom: Chloe and Nick are having a baby

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Tiktokroom: Chloe and Nick are having a baby

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