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'Laura Whitman, you are sentenced to be whipped. From midnight till dawn. For lashing out and hurting a child badly.' The Pack Alpha announced, his canines glittering in the evening light.
I would have stared at him, but that would only increase my punishment, so I kept my head down, eyes burning with anger.
He looked at me then continued, 'do you understand why you are punished?'
I gritted my teeth, but spoke in a fake regretful tone, 'yes Alpha. I hurt a child. And for that I mush be punished. I accept my punishment.'
'Well then I hope you learn. Be back to the training field before midnight and if you try to run. Your punishment will be death.'
  I was pretty sure he wished I would run. Then at least I wouldn't be his problem anymore.
After that, everyone left to do whatever they do. I went back home too. "Whipping. From midnight till dawn. While winter is coming. I will be whipped for almost seven hours then." I thought to myself. I was very troubled. We weren't allow to wear extra clothing when whipped. But since winter is coming, they might allow me to wear winter clothes. It was worth a shot. Silently, I used what little hours I had left to prepare for the whipping. Getting the makeshift first aid kit out, knowing they wouldn't bring me to the pack doctor. Bringing my food and water next to my bed. So I can easily access it afterwards if I'm still alive. I was deep in thought, and I never heard the door open until the person spoke.
'What are you doing? Are you actually dumb enough to run?' My twin, Noah, asked me, eyes hard and doubtful.
I jumped, then turned to face him. Maybe it's because he's my twin. But he's the only one who doesn't outright bully me. He isn't nice to me either. He just pretends I never existed. Ignoring me even on our birthday. Maybe it's because we're twins, that's why he doesn't hurt me. Or maybe it's the fact that I discovered his fear for spiders when we were kids. When he screamed because he saw one. I killed it. And never said a word about it, and when mother came. I took the blame, saying I was the one who screamed because of the spider, and that he killed it. I was laughed at by my siblings and was looked at disgustedly by my parents. I kept quiet, because I knew if they realize it was he who screamed, he'll be like me. Scorned, and no one deserves that over something as small as a spider.
'I'm not. Running away that is. I'm preparing what I need in order to survive.' I replied.
'You think you can survive seven hours of whipping? You're a fool.' He laughed.
I shrugged then got back to arranging my things. He stayed for a while, watching me. Then spoke again, 'good luck.' He said quietly, 'you probably won't survive. But thank you for the thing when we were young.' Then without waiting for my reply, he turn and left.
I stared after him. So he does remember the spider incident.
I sighed, it's almost time.
*punishment time*
'We gather here now at midnight, under the watchful eye of the moon goddess, to punish this wolf. This wolf who has done wrong and will now receive punishment.' The Alpha's voice boomed, glancing over at me, he continued, 'May the wolf survive and learn.'
'May the wolf survive and learn.' The pack echoed.
I almost snorted, please they rather I die. One less mouth to feed. One less useless mouth to feed. If the moon goddess was really here, she wouldn't justify their actions.
The whip came down quick and hard. The wolves unwilling to waste a single second to torture me. I screamed.
By the time they hit twenty something, I was crying and panting. I didn't have the energy to scream anymore. Noah was probably right, I wouldn't survive.
And that's where I first decided to change. In the middle of the night, on my knees, bleeding through my back. And so gone on delirium, which is probably why I had the idea in the first place.
  I have to learn how to fight.
  Out of self preservation, to survive. So I planned.
  It eased the pain a little, focusing on something else other than the pain. Each time my body jerked from the whip, I delve deeper into my mind. To shape the perfect plan.
  It wasn't easy, and with the pain I didn't think of much, besides a couple places to begin my secret training. I can't trust no one, so I'll have to self train. But I don't care. Because now I know, this pack will be my deathbed.
And I'm not going down without a fight, omega or not. Disgrace or not.

Hey everyone! Second chapter in and we're already on a bad scene😐. I promise it will get better... at the end. For now enjoy. And please give suggestions. See you soon!

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