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  I grinned, just as I predicted, they took up my idea. Now they are throwing anything from kicks and punches to some twirl thing that they might have just made up. It doesn't look like a very effective move.
  The judges, surprise surprise, is the Alpha's son and the Beta's son, Ryan. They are supposed to start training younger, so that they have more time to study politics or whatever later.
  So far they threw the best moves, so maybe I could get them to teach the others, aka me. After all the two loved to show off.
  I clapped my hands together, 'ok everyone. You all seems to be having fun. It's teatime now, so wash your hands and come in to eat.'
  Per usual, they ignored me. But their hunger will get to them soon, so I wasn't too worried.
  As predicted, the lot of them came trotting in. Only quieting a little to shove food down their throats.
Then the Alpha's son hit his fork to his cup, and everyone immediately quiet down.
  I swear to the gods that kid has more power since birth than I ever had combined.
  'I have made a decision on who fought the best today,' he announced.
  Inwardly I snorted. They looked like a bunch of fools, I can barely learn from them. They're just my best shot.
  'Obviously me and Ryan fought the best. But since we are the judges, we will give the honor to someone else.'
At this point I was holding back laughter, "honor"? What honor? The honor of an extra candy I suppose.
'And the best fighter is...' he started as the others drumroll, 'Kathy!'
The boys groaned, while the girls cheered for Kathy. I'll give them that much, at least they aren't sexist like their parents...yet.
'I did pretty good too didn't I?' Layla's high pitch voice cut through the cheers.
Ryan smiles fondly as he went to pick up his little sister, 'of course! We have Beta blood remember?'
Nope, they are still very sexist. Wolf wise. They still look down on other bloods, or ahem omegas *cough*, its dusty here.
It's almost like Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy with his pure blood crap.
But hey, good sibling relationship. Don't I wish for that. But sorry not sorry, we hate you for something you can't choose.
Sighing, I went to collect the licked-cleaned dishes. Gross, it's not like we don't feed them. They eat more than I do in a month. Bleh.
'Give out the candies already!'
I sigh as one of them yell, would it hurt to say please or thank you?
'Ok everyone, one each. Besides Kathy because she did the best today. She can have two.' I said as I pass it the jar.
This is probably the only time they actually listen to me. Most likely because if they get more than one, they get scolded by their parents. A liberty I will never have. Insert tears here please. Thank you.
I sigh once more as the last of the kids finally returned to their parents. I've been doing a lot of sighing recently. I realize.
The fight pose game started a bit more than two weeks ago. And I'm learning.
I know for a fact that I'm not kicking right, but I couldn't figure out what, and neither can the kids do better.
As for my punches, they're weak as hell. But I trying. Working out, doing sit-ups and push ups and then waking up in great pain.
But hey what's some great pain compared to my heat? Nothing. At least I can think straight. Not just withering while using suppressants to cover up my smell to not 'bother anybody'.
Pardon me, but how come girls get to skip out during their periods and I don't? They can stay in being pampered. But me? Oh no, pain? Too bad. Now get to work. Love my life.
Also I think my sense of smell is decreasing. Spending so much time behind the dumpster self training, it's starting to be all I smell.
Which is disgusting, but maybe helped make the others stay away from me.
I took off my shoes. Ready to start some basic work out before dinner. When a shrill sound rang out, sending chills into by back.
  An attack.
I live next to the border.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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