How Loony Was That?

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[2845 words. Short Story. Doctor Who / Takin' Over The Asylum crossover.]


Note : before anyone says anything, I know tenth-Doctor-Who-era and Takin' Over The Asylum was in different years (2006+ and 1994). But just go along with this idea I had. I'm not a very good writer and I haven't written fanfics for either fandom before, so I'm sorry if this is terrible. I'm also thinking of posting this ff on and ao3.


How Loony Was That?

The Doctor was used to time travelling just about anywhere. Often he ended up in unknown destinations, or just about anywhere unplanned. But this was a new one.

He found himself looking at the monitor screen of the TARDIS. He was in Glasgow. He shrugged and stepped out. He hadn't been to Scotland for some time, and Rose and Mickey was at Jackie's and he had time to kill, so why not explore for a while?

His eyes scanned the area and immediately focused on a large building and a sign, that read:

St. Judes Mental Asylum.

He often questioned how he ended up in one area to the next, but none of his adventures tend to be planned.

He looked around, didn't see anything he recognised and shrugged. He was about to step back into the TARDIS, when a voice spoke.

"Campbell. I've been looking for you. What are you doing out here? It's freezing. Come back inside."

The Doctor turned and became face to face with a nurse it seemed. Well, of course she was. This was St. Judes, wasn't it?

"Are you talking to me? Oh, wait of course you are. There's no one out here, but me, is there?" The Doctor said. "I'm sorry, but I think you've got the wrong person."

The nurse smiled at him fondly, and chuckled, "Very funny. How could I have gotten the wrong person? Last time I checked, there was nobody else here that looked like you, Campbell."

The Doctor said, "Well, where I come from I'm sure there's loads of Gallifreyan's wandering around that look like me. Isn't that brilliant?"

"Gallifreyan's?" The nurse asked, "I don't understand what you're... Why don't you come in with me? You'll be much warmer inside, don't you think?"

"Honestly, you've gotten the wrong person, ma'am." The Doctor said.

The nurse shook her head, with a frown, and walked towards the male she believed was Campbell. She placed a supporting hand on the Doctor's arm. "And where did you get that suit? Last time I checked, you didn't own a suit. Did you borrow it? I'm sure I saw a suit like that in Fergus' wardrobe..."

"Oh, this suit? Well, I got it from a shop in London. It's nothing special." The Doctor said, drawing out the 'e' in well.

"London?" The nurse said, frowning.

"Yes. Somewhere in Camden, I think. I can't remember. It's been a while. Although, I do have many suits. From many different places. They practically all look the same. But then again, I think all suits do. Don't you?" The Doctor said, talking at a mile a minute.

"OK. I think you're having a manic episode. Calm down, you're OK. Why don't you come in with me, Campbell? Aye? It is time for your next dose of tablets. You'll be much calmer with them, don't you think?"

"Tablets? Oh believe me, despite how crazy I'm sounding, I'm not on any medication. I probably should be, shouldn't I?" The Doctor said. "Maybe I wouldn't sound like there's something wrong with me if I was. My friends say that a lot about me, you know? But, believe me I'm not. I'm always this bonkers." The Doctor grinned.

How Loony Was That? [10th Dr Who | Takin' Over The Asylum] | ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now