Bonus Content: Waking Up

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So this is a new bonus content. A deleted scene from Chapter 32. I hope you enjoy it and yes, it's for FREE! If you don't want to read Liam's POV, carry on. It won't affect in the slightest. 

Bel, xx


Waking Up - Liam's POV

    When I open my eyes in the morning and I try to stir, I notice I’m not alone in the small bunk and it takes me two seconds to realise Belle is with me.

I freeze.

It wasn’t a dream, she actually came to sleep with me last night. Willingly. Without anyone telling her or to keep the charade. She joined me on her free will saying “It’s cold” as her only explanation. I was sleepy, I wasn’t sure what was happening, I just accepted her.

My heart races in my chest as I keep paying attention to her, tightly pressed against my body in the small space we have, our legs tangled up together, her arm over my waist and her face resting on my chest as I keep one arm around her, keeping her close, and my other hand holding hers.

Am I really awake?

I keep blinking away the shock, but she’s with me, I feel her weight on my chest, I feel the warm of her body and even the smell of her shampoo. She’s really with me, in my arms.

A smile comes to my lips and I hug her tighter, rejoicing in this moment. I don’t know if I’m really getting through but I hope so. I want her to see how things have changed, how I’m really trying with her because no matter how things started between us, everything is different now. The way I feel regarding her and what I want, all that has changed.

I asked for a girlfriend, an easy relationship and someone who wouldn’t get attached to me. Someone who would be my company.  And they brought Belle to me, difficult, proud, strict, stubborn, professional and who hated my guts. She fought me and brought me down over and over again, reminding me that I was nothing but a job to her. Not a celebrity, not the international figure I am. Just her job, a jerk she couldn’t stand.

She scolded me and infuriated me, she challenged me and made me fall for her in the process. I can’t pinpoint the exact moment my feelings for her evolved into what I actually feel, but there’s no going back now.

And now she’s in my arm after spending the night with me, letting her guard down and trusting me to keep her safe. And she looks so beautiful like this, by my side. I want to keep her like this forever.

She stirs next to me, holding even tighter before her eyes flutter open. She blinks away the grogginess and she also freezes when she realises where she is. She looks up and our eyes meet. “Morning,” I say as her eyes widen.

“M-morning,” she replies and I know she’s fighting to compose herself, but she doesn’t push away, which I think it’s a good sign.

I’m starting to believe she is getting over the whole contract thing. I did long ago.

“Are you cold?” I ask, my way to remind her what she said last night and that I won’t push her for explanation of her actions.

“Not at all,” she answers with a cute smile. Then she cuddles next to me even closer, nuzzling my chest with her nose. “I’m very comfortable.”

“Me too,” I accept, hugging her even tighter. It’s a good thing these bunks have curtains so if my mates are up they won’t see us like this.

“What time is it?” she asks next, not moving. I have to look for my mobile under my pillow without moving much, so it’s quite complicated.

“Twelve to eleven in the morning,” I reply and she sighs.

“I have to be at Bruxelles-Midi by noon,” she reminds me and I hug her even tighter, not wanting to let her go. I’ve missed her and we’ve had such a good time in Brussels. Why does she have to leave now? “I don’t exactly want to move but we must. Let’s go,” she insists and I sigh, resignation sinking in.

But Belle does another thing that surprises me when she starts to get up. Sitting next to me, she smiles down and lean in to peck my lips ever so lightly before turning away and getting off my bed.

I stay on the bed for a few more minutes, smiling like an idiot. Can I dare to hope she feels the same way? 

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