Chapter 37 - Wedding

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    I have a horrible time picking out a dress because whenever I try one on, I can only think about whether Liam would like it or not and that’s the most pathetic thing ever. I didn’t do this when we were together but I do it now, even when I’m expecting we won’t even have to see each other.

I talked to Ruth again, requesting her to put me in the farthest table from Liam and it wasn’t that easy to convince her.

“But don’t you need to be close in case he starts drinking too much so you can stop him?” she questioned me and she made total sense. That was the most logical option, but I didn’t trust myself to be near Liam.

“I’ll keep an eye on him, but I’m hoping for the best. If things look suspicious, I’ll be by his side in the blink of an eye, but I rather not disturb him unless it’s extremely necessary to intervene,” I explained, hoping she would see the reason behind my argument.

“But can you even keep an eye on him if you’ll be at the farthest table? We have many guests, Belle. You won’t even see him if I put you there,” she explained and I felt like I was losing my battle.

“Ruth, please. I don’t even think I can be that near him and enjoy the party,” I tried begging next and I heard her sigh.

“What about a few tables away?” she conceded. “Not next to him but far enough to allow you to still have a glimpse of him. And where I can see you, as well, in case I need you.”

It wasn’t what I wanted, but it was better than anything else, so I agreed. “That works well, I guess. Thank you, Ruth.”

So I’m trying to keep all the necessary measures to avoid Liam, yet I’m still hoping he’d like my dress.

“What about this one?” Havi asks out loud, making me come back to the present instead of my conflictive thoughts. She’s showing me a dress that has red skirt, whit tope and like black laces around the waist. It’s knee length and it is tight. It looks very lovely.

“You always find the dress, Havi,” I tell her, taking the dress she’s offering.

I felt so desperate when I knew I had to pick a new dress that I called Havi because she helped me every other opportunity and I trusted her. The only difference this time is that she’s doing this as a friend, helping me because she’s aware of how difficult this is for me.

“I’m sure you’ll look lovely in this one, Belle,” she says with a smile and Ariel, who’s standing next to her nods enthusiastically.

I also invited the singer because I felt bad for ignoring her for so long. Plus, I thought that maybe seeing her would also remind me that I made the right choice when I accepted being Liam’s girlfriend, because she and my father are doing great. They have finished the album and are now working on the final touches and setting a date for the release. It won’t happen for a few months though. They have to release another single, maybe an EP and make the music videos so they can create a fan base before the album release. I’m sure it’ll do great. I listened to it and loved every single track. They did an amazing job. My favourite song, however, is one that didn’t make it to the album because obvious reasons. It was in collaboration with Harry and it’s just lovely. So sweet and loving and their voices just merge so well, in a perfect harmony that works as evidence of why they are together. It’s a pity that song didn’t make it to the album, but due to the fact she’s my friend and my father is her producer, I do have a copy of the track that I’ll never share with anyone, as I promised I wouldn’t.

I come out from the dressing room when I’m done to show the dress to my friends and they both clap in approval.

“You look beautiful,” Ariel says excitedly and I smile happily.

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