Dream 6 - The Explosion

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I was riding my bike to my friends place which was on the other side of the city. As I was riding I heard a sudden BOOM. The ground started shaking. I got off my bike and saw a massive wave of explosion coming in my way. I started running towards an underground parking. I layed down when I got to the lowest level and just closed my eyes. I heard screams, yelling, explosions, everything all at once. Suddenly I was unconscious.

I woke up in a german transport center. At least I think it was since the people there were talking german. I got up and started walking towards a building. I saw an old friend from middle school, Anja. She recognized me too. She told me that those kids who were left alive were all in the building. Apparently it was a home for survivors. When we got inside the home it looked like a luxurious hotel. I saw another old friend there, his name is Toma. I talked a bit with him and then I just started watching TV.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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