chapter 13

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addison pov
the girls and i just walked off, having no desire to argue with tony. we spent the rest of the day at the hype house and decided to stay the night, with dixie and i in one guest room and mads and nessa in another. before going to bed, i texted bryce..

addison: hope you're having a good time in texas! goodnight baby ♥️

bryce then facetimed me.. "hey baby" he said, me saying hi back. i asked him about his day, him saying "when i went down after i facetimed you this morning, there were a lot more girls than i thought there would be and some of them were trying to get a bit close and flirty, but i backed away immediately and ended up chilling with the boys for the rest of the day." "thanks for telling me bryce, i know i can trust you but i also know how easily it could get taken out of context if it was posted anywhere and you didn't tell me. the girls and i went over to the hype house today and decided to stay over too, you're gonna have to come over and see the new house when you get back!" i said, bryce agreeing, telling me how nice it looked in the pictures. "is everything okay with tony?" he asked, "yeah, well for the most part.. he made a few comments but it's all good, we just ignored him for the rest of the day." "okay let me know if anything happens though. we're gonna head out for some drinks, so i'll speak to you in the morning. goodnight, i love you." "i love you too bryce, goodnight."

bryce pov
we got in the car, jaden handing us all a blunt as our driver took us to a bar. we had hired out a large area, but somehow it still ended up being flooded with random girls. i had a few drinks, but that didn't stop me from thinking about addison.. i would never cheat on her and i hoped that nothing tonight would be posted and blown out of proportion- there were a lot of very flirty girls who were getting a bit close to me and obviously i instantly moved away, but i know how easily a picture from one second of the night could get out and create drama.

i was a lot less drunk than most of the other boys, which was surprising considering that i was supposed to be the party animal of the group. as we got in the car, i opened instagram, seeing that tiktokroom had posted a picture of a girl with her arm around me.. shit. i shouldn't be worried because i know that a split second later i had removed her arm, but i didn't want addison to see it and think that i cheated when i would never. i was about to call her, but before i could, we were being pulled over for drug possession.


addison pov
i woke up to mads and nessa coming into our room at 3am. "what's going on?" i asked, rubbing my eyes, dixie also waking up. "j- jad- jaden and b-bryce.." mads tried to explain, her voice breaking as she cried. "addison, bryce and jaden have been arrested" nessa told me, pulling me in for a hug and comforting me as tears began to uncontrollably stream down my face. this couldn't be happening.

mads and i just cried as nessa and dixie comforted us, not rushing us to speak but being ready to listen when we did. nessa explained that josh had quickly phoned her, letting her know that bryce and jaden had been arrested for drug possession. i felt so many different emotions.. sadness, fear, shock.

i opened my phone, wanting to see if bryce had messaged, but he hadn't. but i did have a message from one of my friends, asking me if i had checked tiktokroom. i went on to tiktokroom, expecting to see something about the boys being arrested, but instead i saw bryce with another girl. her arms were around his neck and he didn't seem to be resisting, if anything he seemed to be pretty content. the tears streamed down my face stronger as i threw my phone on my bed, resting my head on my knees trying to clear my mind and hoping for this to all be a dream. i just wanted to wake up and see that none of this actually happened, but it did.

the girls saw my screen, telling me they were sorry, dixie giving me a hug. "i'm sure it's not what it seems like addison, tiktokroom always exaggerates." nessa said. i hoped she was right, but the picture on my screen made me doubt it.

nessa then got a call from josh, putting it on speaker as she answered. "they said bryce and jaden can be released on bail. bryce's is $5k and jaden's is $10k, but none of us boys have enough money with us" josh informed us.. "we'll have it sorted" mads managed to say through her tears. nessa then said she'd call him back when we had a plan, josh thanking us and hanging up. "let's go back to sway and sort everything out. the last thing we need is more people getting involved, stressing us out and making things worse" dixie suggested, all of us agreeing. we quickly grabbed our stuff, but as we were about to leave tony came up to us..

"i told you guys it wouldn't end well. i would never have done this to you addison.. i knew bryce wasn't good enough, cheating on you and getting arrested all in one night" tony asserted. "tony just fuck off" nessa shouted as we barged past him, leaving the hype house and getting into dixie's car. we got to sway in record time, dixie driving as fast as possible, and the roads being pretty much empty because it was the middle of the night.

as much as i loved bryce and wanted to pay his bail, i thought i could trust him.. he claimed to only have eyes for me and said he wouldn't get himself into trouble, yet he had acted against both of those statements earlier tonight.

this reminds me of addison's tweet from the other day telling bryce to step up his game

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