Will They WAP With You?

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authors note will be posted at the end

camelia- she would, but she would be laughing at herself and you every second.

Cameron- he refused :(

Delta- he said he would rather watch u, but ended up doing it himself when u werent watching

Edgar- nope

EOS- absolutely. they did it better than u

Eve- he was exactly like delta

jasper- hell yeah. he constantly made fun of u tho

jude- uhhh- he'd do it in public with u-

Kay- no. just- no.

Kai- we all know he would- he actually tried

Lambda- she would, but she would be hesitant and dry towards it. she wouldnt try that much. it was a little awkward.

Miles- he would just watch you and laugh.

Rasby- yep

Riley- lol no

Sean- exactly like eve and delta

samuel- no;(

ceasar- its physically impossible- but still no

baron- no

marcus- yeah lmao

okay so, im still gonna be writing this story, but im wondering if anyone would also like to see other content. i love anime, adult shows, i can write original stories, zodiacs, scenarios with my oc's, i can do ANYTHING. just tell me wutchu want and ill make it. it's getting a little boring just having ONE story published. dont be afraid to just name a rondom fandom, ill probably know wut it is lol. and it doesnt have to be scenarios, i could do a slowburn ^^

Also, i need more scenario ideas, and i wanna try doing a lemon or smut (wuts the difference). i could also do a fluff, i dunno. just name a character or a scenario please. i luv u guys <3 thanks for 7.1K :)

also i apologize for any typos

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