1: Into UA High

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In the begining of April, Izuku Midoriya enrolled Into UA High School. The best school you could train to, to one day become a hero. The greenette looked up at the large building. Clutching onto his yellow bag's straps, he started to move forward.

He was nervous. His legs were shaking, and his heart was pounding inside his chest. He knew he had to make it through some hard tests through this course, and he might get seriously injured. But... he had been wanting to become a hero since he was a child. After inheriting One For All, he was sure he wanted to do this. He had come this far, and he wasn't going to back away now. The boy started to shake. He had a hard time to breathe, or walk. Was he really going to become a hero, or was he going to get disqualified in the next three days?

Midoriya took a deep breath before walking a little faster. He was confident. He was going to become the world's greatest hero, no doubt about it. As the green haired teen rushed towards the building, lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the large crack in the pavement ahead... and surely, he tripped. Just as his face was about to smash against the ground, his body stopped. Izuku looked back, at the brunette standing there, holding onto his bag.

"You've got to be careful... you could have hurt yourself badly..." she stated, smiling softly at him.

"Huh- O-Oh! Yeah... Thanks!" Midoriya nervously stuttered out, looking down.

"No problem! What's your name?" the girl asked.

"Um, Izuku Midoriya!"

"Nice to meet you, Izuku! My name is Ochako Uraraka! What's your quirk?" she asked, as they both walked towards the school.

Midoriya thought for a moment, knowing he had just recieved the quirk a few moments earlier, when he finished his training with All Might. Therefore he had not had the time to test it out, nor know how strong it was.

"Uh... Well... It's... A P-Power... type?" Izuku mumbled quickly.

"Oh really? Guess what mine is!" Ochako cheered, stopping in front of the stairs that led to the building.

"Uh...." Izuku started to look at the girl, examining her from head to toe. She was wearing a school uniform, and a scarf.

"I don't know." Midoriya muttered.

"I can make things float! Do yo-" Uraraka was cut off by the sound of the bell, rining thoughout the yard.

"Oh... I guess I'll see you soon, Izuku!" Ochako cheered, as she jogged away.

"Y-yeah." the greenette said.

Midoriya turned around, facing the building once more, and he then walked though the doors. 

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