2: Class 1A

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Midoriya walked in, along with more students that seemed around his age... 16.  Some seemed older... and some seemed a little younger. Through the crowd, a tall blond male stood. Everyone cheered, knowing it was the world's Number 1 Hero, All Might. After a while, the blonde man got the attention of the students. A small, polar-bear like guy appeared on his shoulder.

"Hello New Students! I am the school prinicpal, Nezu!" He exclaimed.

"Since you are all new students, you may go up to Class 1A! The directions are on the board!" Nezu claimed, pointing at the billboard on the wall. All students rushed towards the board, reading it carefully after all rushing towards the same area. Izuku stayed in the back, afraid to get stomped on. The green haired boy slowly walked up to the board, now all alone in complete silence. 

"Hey, Deku! You dumbass... get out of my way before I obliterate you!" A voice was heard, from behind the greenette. Izuku yelped as he turned around and inched away from the board. Katsuki Bakugou was walking towards him, with the same, irritated look on his face. He and Izuku had been childhood friends. But... once they hit their teenage years, that changed. Bakugou started to bully Izuku, therefore the boy stayed away from him.

The tall, blonde male went up to the board, barely read it, then walked towards a flight of stairs, in complete silence.

Midoriya glanced at the board, then looked back at the blonde. He seemed off. 

The short boy quickly read the directions on the board, then ran up the flight of stairs, where Bakugou had previously walked up. 

In a few minutes, Midoriya made it to class. He walked in, where about 20 kids were talking. Other ones were reading. 


The short boy looked up, to his left, where the brunette from earlier stood. 

"Seems we're in the same class! Isn't that cool?!" she cheered.

"Oh, Yeah!" Izuku agreed.

The two took their seats, in empty desks. Midoriya took in his surroundings. Katsuki was sitting in front of him. To his left was a black haired boy, who was playing with some tape that seemed to be his quirk. And behind him was a short, stubby, purple haired boy. Izuku glanced in the back of the class, in the corner, where Uraraka sat. She smiled at him, and he smiled back. 

Suddenly, a very tired-looking man walked in. He was wearing dull colors, such as black and grey. He stood in front of the class, yawning as he picked up some papers from the small desk in front of him. 

"Hello, students. Welcome to UA, Class 1A. I am Shota Aizawa, and I am your teacher." the black haired man claimed.

The students chattered and spoke about him, and he didn't seem to mind. 

"Since you are all here to learn how to become heroes, we will have to make a few tests. Such as Fitness, Agility, Strength, and Intelligence. We will start tomorrow with the Test Of Strenght. Be sure to dress well. For the rest of the day, Prinicpal Nezu will come and show you around the school. That's it for now, I'm taking a nap." The man muttered, as he pulled out a yellow sleeping bag from outside the room. Aizawa then proceeded by getting inside it, zipping it up, then flipping over to face the wall. 

Midoriya stared at the man strangely. 

"Uh... Until Nezu comes... what are we supposed to do?" A red haired boy asked, turning around to face the rest of the class. 

"I don't know man, maybe we could introduce ourselves..." An orange haired boy continued. 

"I'll go first!" A tall, blue haired boy stood up, as he fixed his glasses.

The male walked up to the front of the class, and faced the people.

"Hello everybody. My name is Tenya Iida, and I am 16 years old, and my birthday is August 22nd. It's nice to meet you all." Iida said, before walking back to his seat.

"I'm next!" A blonde boy said, standing up at the front of the class. 

"My name, is Yuga Aoyama. I am also 16, and my birthday, which is the fabulous day where I was born, is May 30th..." the blonde said, striking a few poses in front of the class. 

Next was pink haired girl, with pink skin and black eyes, who claimed that her name was Mina Ashido, that she was 16, and her birthday was July 30th. Only 5 days after Izuku's. 

Mina then stopped talking, looked around, then pointed at Bakugou. 

"You! Blondey! Your turn to introduce yourself!" she cheered as he skipped back to her desk. Bakugou stood up, walked to the front of the class, and as he opened his mouth, Nezu walked in.

"Are you ready for the tour?" the Bear-looking man asked. 

The class cheered as they ran out, following Nezu close behind. Midoriya was once again, left alone with Katsuki. The blonde glanced at him, shrugged, and walked out, with Izuku close behind.

They were now going to explore their new school.

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