To get my Miraculous back: Chapter 9

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Chat Noir rushed Marinette to the hospital as fast as he could 

Doctor 1: Chat Noir what are you doing here?

Doctor 2: Shouldn't you be fighting Princess Justice? with the other hero's

Chat Noir: She was Princess Justice *refering to Marinette* 


Chat Noir: just get her to a hospital room fast after she was deakumatized she colapsed!

Doctor 3: here is a stretcher 

Chat Noir lays her down on the bed gentaly then they rush her off to the emergancy room 

Doctor 1: what happened to the child that made her that upset 

Chat Noir: well a Liar turned all her friends against her and made them all hate her 

Doctor 1: is that the girl she tried to drop off the eiffel tower? 

Chat Noir: yes it is now I have to scat before I detransform  

Doctor 1: *grabs his arm before he jumps off* you really care about her don't you?

Chat Noir: yeah I do it took forever to relise that she was right in front of me 

Doctor 1: we will take care of her I promise

Chat Noir: thank you so much *jumps off* 

Chat Noir jumps off towards the school and detransforms

Adrien runs inside the school and to his class to see if everyone was safe 

Adrien: guys are you in here?

Nino: Dude where have you been?

Adrien: its time I told you guys the truth 

Mrs Bustier: and what is that? 

Adrien: im Chat Noir thats why I havent shown up since Princess Justice attacked 


Adrien: all exept for Lila and speaking of Lila where is she? 

Rose: we don't know and I don't care as long as she's away from Marinette 

Adrien: Rose since when do you not care about a person?

Rose: since when I found out that Lila is a Liar  I should have knewn sooner Marinette would never had done all those things Lila said she did 

Rose: by the way where is Marinette didn't you just deakumatize her?

Adrien: well um she collapsed after the battle and I took her to the hospital 

Alya: we all owe Marientte an apology 

Rose: We should all make Marinette get better soon cards! 

Chloe: and lets make some cards for Lila as well- 

Rose: Lila dosent deserve any cards at all!

Chloe: you didnt let me finnish  WE SHOULD MAKE LILA "PLEASE GO AWAY AND DIE" CARDS!!!! 

everyone: YEAH!!!!!

Mrs Bustier: thats a bit violent isnt it?

The class already started making cards for Lila to go away and die 

Mrs Bustier: how am I gonna explain this to the principal

2 weeks later (at the hospital)

Adrien: Marinette I don't know if you can here me but I am so sorry for what happened. me and the whole class made cards for you for when you wake up *puts hand on Marinettes* 

Marinette: *puts hand on his* 

Adrien: Marinette!

Marinette: Adrien how long have I been out?

Adrien: 2 weeks! i'm getting the doctor to tell them your awake Be right back!

Adrien returns with the doctor 

Doctor 1: thank goodness your awake child! 

Marinette: yeah...... wait WHERE ARE MY EARINGS!!!

Adrien: can we be alone for a second doctor

Doctor 1: of coarse 

Adrien: hawkmoth has your miraculous im sorry M'lady

Marinette: M'lady? Adrien your-?

Adrien: yes im Chat Noir im so sorry I didn't believe you

Marinette: We have to get my miraculous back and Tikki!

Tikki: *flys out* Im here Marinette! I fly away when you took off the miraculous so I didn't get sucked in 

Marinette: Tikki! I am so realived that your not in hawkmoth's control!

Tikki: Im Realived that your ok now 

Adrien: do you want to hear some of the cards your classmates made for you?

Marinette: of coarse! 

Adrien read through all the cards that Marinette's classmates made her until there was a knock on the door Adrien went to awnser the door and then he opened it up when he saw who was there

Everyone: Hi Marinette! 

Marinette: Hey guys what are you doing here!

Rose: we wanted to see you!

Alya: girl I am sorry beyond sorry

Marinette: I forgive you Alya and all of you and im sorry if I hurt you when I was akumatized

Rose: we forgive you Marinette

Adrien: we have bigger problems then having to say sorry 

Marinette: we need to get my miraculous back

To be continued........

Hey guys Hope you liked the chapter I will update this after I update In the end so yeah feel free to comment 

Bug out!

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