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She slowly gained consciousness as she felt blood trickling down her face from her head. She was only a few feet up from the ground. She unbuckled herself and dropped to the grass. Her head was pounding and she had scratches from broken glass but everything else was in place.

Everyone was sore and was hurt in some way. She grabbed her bag and tried to help anyone possible.

"Calling all units! Is anybody airborne? I repeat, is anybody airborne?" said Slivko as he talked in his walkie talkie radio thingy.

"They're all down. Everyone. We are on the South side of the island. There is a river a couple of clicks from here" James said.

"My best guess is we're scattered over a 4 to 5 miles radius,"said Danny joining them.

"We must head North and join anyone we find" James said.

He turned to Danny.

"Are you alright that looks severe" he looked at her gash that was on her forehead.

"As long as I'm not brain dead I think I'm okay" she said.

"Yeah that was intense, you should clean that" he said examining the cut.

"Look, is no one gonna talk about this? Things like that just don't happen, it's not normal " Slivko rambled.

James, Danny, Slivko, Brooks, San, and Víctor all moved as a group into the jungle and hoped for the best that their chances of survival were big.

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