💙Bokuto x nb

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saw this fanart of bokuto and that gave me an IDEA!! You guys can see those damn big ass arms right?! He can do so much with themmm~~🥵

No warning ☺️ just pure fluff

2ND person POV

You have been dating a literal 3 year old for 9 years, since his first year, and who is that 3 year old you ask? Bokuto Kotaro, that is his name, but you call him Idiot...

Well an idiot with amazing hands, muscle, biceps... One day, you were in your sheared apartment, just casually on the couch eating ice cream and thinking, 'what if air is actually a poison that takes 80 years to kill you...?' these kinds of thoughts... You were just waiting for your owl like boyfriend to get home.

'if you're invisibility was real we wouldn't know it...'

'I wonder if animals think we shed our skin when we change clothes...'
(This is just my thoughts now we shere them!)

'you forgot something today you will never remember again...'

'when we're swimming our body does everything you can in its power to make sure we're not drowning and we say it's a fun activity...'

'the sinking of the Titanic must have been a miracle for the lobsters in the kitchen...'

'what if a paper cut is a trees last revenge...'

'holding your breath to stop hiccups is basically doing a reboot to your lungs and turning them off and on again...'

'people ask you what you do for a living so they can calculate the amount of respect they have for you...'

'when you're drawing a tree on a paper you're basically drawing a tree on a dead tree...'

'smelling is breathing normally just thinking about it more...'

Finally you heard the door open and it revealed your exhausted boyfriend.

"Hey ko! How was practice?" "It was good, how was staying home doing nothing?" "Hey! I literally finished high school 6 year ago!" "And what about it?" "I can just stay home doing nothing!!" "What ever you say... Bby owl~" "hey! don't start you horny bird!!" "what? I can want some booty~" "noo! I don't! we literally went 5 rounds yesterday!! I still can't walk properly!!" "ok ok... I'm going to shower, I smell  worse then hell itself!" "TMI!!" 


"bby owwwwl!! I want cuddles!! plzzzzz" "fine come here..." he came over to where you were laying down on the couch and nuzzled your chest with his arms around your waist. 'biceps...' your fingers traveled up and down bokuto's big arm, he is at least 3 times bigger and buffer then you are, you don't give a fuck, but all your so called 'friends' which are Kurro, Kenma, Hianta and Akaashi just looove to tease you for it, yes you are small, and not you nor Bokuto care for it, but your friends like to say you are like a phone and the big end of a phone charger, you are too small and he is too big, and when you started dating he didn't want to lay all his weight on you in the fear of crushing you, but with time he understood how strong you really are, and that you can kill him with your bear hands... you are 27 while he is just 25, and so his nickname to you is baby owl and you used to call him kid, but he heated it and made you regret it with his thicc ass big dick- N E ways... 

skip to de night   

"baby! I don't want to sleeeeeep!!!" "KO! YOU NEED SLEEP! YOU HAVE A GAME TOMORROW!" "are you mad?" "yes! let me sleep!!" "so you don't love me..?" "of course I love you Ko, but-... are you crying..?" "yes!" "...why?" "bc you hate me! the one person that I love doesn't love me..." 'shit...' "ko, baby, I do love you, I really do, that is why I want you to sleep! please come here and we can cuddle, ok?" he looked you in the eyes and got up from the floor and got on your sheared bed, and the both of you cuddled till you fell asleep.

in the morning Akaashi came over to be with you and to take you to the game, and when he came in he saw Bokuto was tired AF he came over to where you were and asked what happend and you told him he had a tantrum, and said that you don't love him Akaashi sighed and looked at Bokuto who was getting  water bottles for himself.  "so... you had to deal with another tantrum this week how many is that allready?" "5 in the past 3 days..." "is he ok?" "yeah it's the stress, I told him to take a day off, but he didn't listen to me... Maybe I should tell all of this to Hinata-chan, and ask him to tell the coach or yell at kotaro or something..." "why don't you yell at him?" Kenma asked as he got in with Kuroo and Iwazumi, "Well bc he says I hate him bc I tell him to take a break..." "so you want me to yell at him?" Kuroo asked "idk... your best bros..." "yeah but he needs a break..." when was the last time he took a break?" "on his birthday..." "witch is?" "sep 20th..." "so... long ago?" "very..." "wait why would you use my boyfriend??" Kenma asked "umm bc Hinata is a saint... and he wont do it in a bad way..." "...fine we'll help you Y\N..." "tnx!!"  

after the game all of you went to Hinata, "Hey Hinata! can we talk for a moment?" "yeah sure! hey baby!" "hey shoyo" "so... Kotaro, had 5 tantrums in the past 3 days, and he wont take a break... he is quite literally driving  himself crazy... Can you tell him to take a break? his not listening to me..." "yes of course! HEY BOKUTO-SAN!" "Shoyo-chan? what is it?" "you need a break!" "what why? i'm totally fine!" "no, no your not, Hey tsumu-san!" "yeah Shoyo-kun what is it?" he whispered is Atsumu's ear what you told him and he looked at bokuto with disbelief, "Bo-san you need to take a break, it is not ok to overwork your body!" "...fine... i'll take a week off..." "tell coach that too, ok!" "yeah..." "yw! he really looks tired... did he sleep?" "we went to sleep at 3 A.M. and he woke up at 7:30..." "why?" "well he whined he doesn't want nor need sleep for like 3 hours, and then I yelled at him that he has a game today and that he will loose if he doesn't get any sleep, and then he had a tantrum and cried saying I don't love him like he loves me, and then I told him well cuddle to sleep..." "a life story huh..." "no it's just another day in the life..." 

"bye Akaashi!" Akaashi was the last one to go, it's  5 p.m. and Ko is in the shower. I went to make dinner happy about your successful day. bokuto got out of the shower and came over and hugged you from behind and you could feel he is just in boxers, he nuzzled your neck and kissed all over which made you giggle... "are you happy now? that I took a break? I know it was your idea..." "very, I'm worried about you... You don't take care of yourself..." "cuz I don't want to be here too much so you wont think i'm clingy..." "but I love you when your clingy! I get more cuddles!!" "so is that all I am for you? a cuddle buddy?" "more like a cuddle daddy~" "you know if you want to just say it..." "ko! do you want the food to burn?" "no..." "then got off, your heavy!" "so i'm fat?" "yeah" "..." 


"I love you ko..." "I love you too bby owl.." 


A\N; sooo... yes I was away, sry for that... I had to change all of my lemons... like 27 of them from all of my books... hope you like this shit, cuz I do!... N E ways... have a good day

ight wherever you are whenever you are! love y'all ❣️

ℍ𝔸𝕀𝕂𝕐𝕌𝕌  𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now