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A while later, after Drawer brought up the grilled cheese sandwich to Hiro, he was in the hallway, building his new LEGO building set, which was a tub filled with tons of multi-colored bricks and pieces as he was building numerous things.

“Okay…” Drawer said to himself. “Lookin' pretty good so far!”

Just then, Toodles suddenly flew in with some news for him to hear about.

“Hey, Drawer!” Toodles said. “Our TOON House T-mail page got an email from the ToonTown Memorial Hospital!”

“The Memorial Hospital?!” Drawer repeated in shock. “Oh jeez! I sure hope no one else is hurt!”

“Well, they said they have a video call coming in from the Mousekadoer.” Toodles explained.

This made Drawer feel both very confused and lso quite concerned. He didn't know what was what the ToonTown Memorial Hospital wanted from him.

“Well then let's go on over to it and find out what's going on!” Drawer exclaimed.

And so, they both dashed together downstairs to where the Mousekadoer was. Afterwards, Toodles went to his charging station, allowing the huge machine to turn its screen on. The yellow pipes started puffing out smoke, the green side-gear started spinning, the blue accordion started puffing and the two ear shaped wheels started spinning while the giant red and yellow back-gears started spinning.

Soon, the screen turned on to reveal someone who they all thought was dead. Drawer couldn’t believe who he was seeing! It was… TADASHI HAMADA!!!

“Hey, guys!” Tadashi said as he waved from his hospital bed.

“T… T… TADASHI?!” Drawer shouted in shock.

“Yep!” Tadashi replied happily. “It’s… me! I’m BACK!”

“H… HOW?!” Drawer exclaimed. “W… We thought you were dead! Or are you a ghost?!”

“No, Drawer! It's just me!” Tadashi chuckled. “I managed to survive that horrible blast a few months ago. I was found by doctors and they were quick to save my life.”

“I… I… I can’t believe this!” Drawer stuttered in shock until he remembered something. “But… wait a minute. If you're still alive, then who did we bury?! We had a funeral and everything!”

“Well, I did some research and you guys accidentally buried a fake plastic skeleton.” Tadashi explained.

“This… This doesn’t make any sense!” Drawer exclaimed. “How did that happen?!”

“Well… allow me to explain.” Tadashi replied.

(Flashback Sequence)

Back at the Exhibition Hall, the fire was lurking. Tadashi was increasingly worried about Callaghan, who was still inside the building. He then started to run toward to try and rescue him, but Hiro, not wanting him to get hurt, stopped him before he could get inside.

“Tadashi!” Hiro exclaimed as he grabbed his arm. “No!”

“Callaghan’s in there.” Tadashi said. “Someone has to help.”

He just looked at him as he ran away to save Callaghan, while his hat fell off his head and landed in front of Hiro’s feet, as he got in, he was struggling to find him while the fire was getting stronger and beams of wood were falling down around him.

“Professor Callaghan?!” Tadashi exclaimed. “Are you in here?!”

But he couldn't find him anywhere at all. But he knew that he had to get out of the fire before the gas tank could explode. He saw a hole in the wall and knew he could escape through that hole. As he ran and jumped through the hole, the fire EXPLODED right in front of Hiro’s eyes, causing him to believe that he was… dead.

While Tadashi escaped, he soon started falling down the hill and soon landed in a river. As he got up, he started coughing due to the smoke he breathed into his lungs while he was in the fire and soon passed out.

(End of Flashback Sequence)

“…and after I escaped, someone found me and brought me to the hospital and I stayed here for 3 months due to me getting a lung infection because of the smoke I breathed in.” Tadashi finished.

“Oh my god.” Drawer gasped in shock. “So that's why we didn't hear back from you! You were in the hospital!”

“Yeah.” Tadashi replied. “I would've tried to call you guys, but my cellphone died after I escaped.”

“Well, I'm glad you're okay now!” Drawer said in relief. “Hiro will be SO EXCITED to see that you are okay!”

“Oh right…” Tadashi remembered. “I actually forgot about Hiro. I sure hope he’s okay.”

“Well… he was feeling upset due to you being gone.” Drawer explained. “I brought him a sandwich earlier, but I'm not so sure if he ate it.”

“Well… today is my last day at the Hospital.” Tadashi added. “Maybe you and Toodles can bring him over when y’all pick me up later.”

“Not a bad idea!” Drawer agreed. “But… maybe we can surprise him!”

“Sweet idea!” Tadashi approved. “I'll go ahead and get ready! See ya!”

“See ya!” Drawer said as the call ended.

The TOON House Cartoon Stories: "Tadashi is Here"Where stories live. Discover now