Chapter 1 🏫

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All pictures unless stated go to their rightful owners. And I am still new to the whole writing thing.

Alex's POV

I wake up to Jackie nudging me with her paw. "Good Morning." Jackie sneezed at me, which made me laugh. I sit up and put on my glasses. Jackie jumps off my bed and over to my alarm clock. I look over to where Jackie is sitting and realize that it is 7:05 am. "Damn It, I'm Going To Miss The Bus!" I jumped out of bed and rushed to put on my clothes. I run downstairs as I'm putting on my jacket. "Good Morning Alex." Said, my Mom. "Morning." I grab a piece of toast and run for the front door. "I love you Mom, Dad, sis, and bro. Bye." I put the piece of toast in my mouth and opened the front door and left. As I am running to the bus stop I see Jackie running beside me with my backpack in her mouth. I stop for a moment and open my backpack so Jackie can hop inside. (There are holes in the backpack so Jackie can breathe) I zip it up and put it on my back. I began running again and I made it to the bus stop before the bus left.

I walk down the aisle to find Violet sitting by herself. "Hey, Violet." "Hey, Alex." Violet said as I sit down and put my backpack on the floor. "I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, I was just thinking about what high school was going to be like, and it kept me up till 2 AM." Violet said as she yawned. "Oh, I'm sorry." "It's okay, on the plus side the bus ride is 45 minutes. I'm going to take a nap now." Violet said as she laid her head down on my shoulder and fell asleep. I smiled and shook my head. I unzipped my backpack and Jackie was asleep as well in my bag. I pull a book out and began to read it as the bus made its way to the school.

~ Time Skip~

The bus slowly pulls into the parking lot of Honey High School, the school's mascot the honey badger named Chester was on the front of the school. Teens were either walking, getting dropped off, or riding the bus.

I look at Violet and gently shake her awake. "What's going on, have we arrived at Hogwarts?" Violet asked sleepily. "I wish, but no. We are at Honey High School. Now awake up before I leave you on the bus." "Fine, I'm up." Violet said annoyed. We walk off the bus and thank the bus driver for the ride. As we walk into the school, I see a lot of people I knew from Corner Intermediate School. Some of them looked happy to finally be in High School, while some of them didn't look so happy to have to go through another year of school. Violet and I walk through the halls to our homeroom. Violet and I had compared our schedules a week before school had started and found out that we had homeroom, lunch, and gym together.

We walk into room 104, Mr. Williams was sitting at his desk telling students to sit where they want. Violet and I sat in the middle of the classroom next to each other, far enough in the back to talk, but close enough to still listen. I look around the room and see English posters, a tv, and a ton of shelves with books.

I look towards the door and see Scott Lockhart. The smartest guy since I could remember. He had been my crush since I moved here in 4th grade. He walks in and sits in the front, which is typical for him. I sigh and look at the back of his head. His dirty blonde hair was brushed but was still a mess. It was perfect. "Uh, Alex are you okay?" Violet asked but I didn't hear her. Violet looked over to where I was looking and understood. "Oh~, I see you staring at Scott." Violet said with a smirk on her face. "What, no. I was looking at the~ clock." "Right~." Violet said as she pulled out a book and began to read. I stop staring at Scott and pull out Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. We read for about 15 minutes before Mr. Willams starts class.

"Good Morning everyone, I'm Mr. Willams and I will be your English teacher for the year." Mr. Willams started explaining what we were going to be doing throughout the year. "All right, how about we play a game to learn about each other." Mr.Willams went to a cabinet and grabbed a ball. "Can we all get into a circle please?" We all followed directions and made a circle the best that we could. " I am going to throw the ball to one of you and you are going to say your name, your favorite hobby, and your book." Mr. Williams through the ball at Scott to which he caught it. "Hello my name is Scott Lockhart, one of my hobbies is playing D&D, and my favorite book is Harry Potter." " Alright now throw the ball to someone else." Mr. Williams said. Scott through the ball to another student.

And so on till I got the ball. "Hi, my name is Alex Anderson, my favorite hobby is crafting, and my favorite book is Caraval." I through the ball to Violet. Violet finishes and throws the ball back to Mr. Williams. "Thank you all for sharing, now the bell is about to ring so you all can relax until then." Violet and I read until the bell rang.

We walk out of Mr. Williams classroom and went out separate ways to our next class. I had Science in room 217 with Mrs. Ivy. I walk in and find a seat as the bell rang again. Mrs. Ivy starts class with a slideshow about her. In the middle of the slideshow I raise my hand. "Yes, Ms. Anderson?" "May I go to the restroom please?" "Sure, take the pass." I stand up and take the pass and head to the restroom. I walk in to find a group of girls vaping. I walk pass them into a stall just as the fire alarm goes off. I didn't think there was going to be a fire drill on the first day of school. The girls rush out but I had to go really bad, so I did my business.

After that, the fire drill was still going and I was getting worried. I walk out of the restroom to find smoke and fire. I get on my hands and knees and crawl down the stairs to the front door to escape the school. I get outside and I'm shocked. Everyone from the school was gone, there was fire and buildings were destroyed. But the worse of all there was walking corpses. And in that moment I knew that I was in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and my life was going to change forever.

Thanks for reading the first chapter. And sorry it took me forever to get it out.
✌🏻🐿✌🏻Peace out Chippers✌🏻🐿✌🏻

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