Chapter 2 🏚

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Alex's POV

I look around the school devastated. I then remembered that Jackie was still in my bag in the school. I quickly rush back into the school to be hit with smoke in the face. I fall on my hands and knees and crawl back up the stairs. I feel the smoke entering my lungs with every breath.

I reach the second floor and the smoke is thicker. I crawl to the classroom with the strength I have left. I reach for the door handle and as quickly as I can enter and shut the door. No smoke had gotten into the room do to the window being open. I cough the remaining smoke out of my lungs and reach for my bag. I open it and Jackie is safe but she looks frightened and was shaking. I grab her and hug her to calm her. She stops shaking but still looks frightened. She can tell something is wrong. I weakly stand still holding Jackie and bring her to the window to show her the outside world. She turns away from the window and hides her face in my shirt. "I know, I'm scared too."

We just stand there for a while. I look out at the broken world, at the corpses, the destroyed buildings, the fire and I just start crying. My friends and family could be out there hurt, dead or worse at walking corpse. If I had to kill everyone I cared about I wouldn't forgive myself.

All of a sudden there was banging on the door. A put Jackie down and slowly walk towards the door. I look through the window to see Violet at the door weakly standing as the smoke continues to enter her lungs. I quickly open the door and help Violet into the room. I shut the door and lock it. "Violet are you okay?" "Yeah, I-I'll Surv-ive." Violet said as she coughed. "How did you get here? How did you find me?" "I saw you looking out the window, plus I got left behind. There was a military bus taking people to a zombie free zone and I missed it by getting food from the vending machine." Violet said showing a bag of Lays chips. "You and food." I said shaking my head. Do you get me a snack?" I asked looking around for the food. "You know I did." Violet said holding a bag of Oreos. "Thank you so much, I was beginning to feel hungry." I open the bag and eat a few, then close the bag and put it in my backpack.

"Do you think anyone else got left behind?" I ask putting Jackie in my backpack and putting the bag over my shoulder. "Don't think so." Violet said with a saddened look on her face. "Where do you think we will stay because I don't want to be out there." I said as I pointed outside. "We could stay here and make the school our bunker." Violet said looking excited. "Okay, but what about the fire, how will we put it out?" Violet walked over to one of the sinks and turned the faucet on and water came out. She then looked under the sink and found two buckets. " We could put the fire out ourselves." Violet said giving me a bucket. "Alright let's do it." I said grabbing the bucket and filling it with water. We start with the upstairs and open windows in the classrooms to let the smoke out.

~Time Skip~

We finished putting the fire out and closed all the windows so the zombies couldn't get in. We head to the cafeteria to find a supply truck with tons of food, toilet paper, paper towels, and soap. "We could live in the cafeteria, partly because of the supply truck." I said hopefully. "Yeah, but first we need to board up the windows." Violet said looking outside the windows. "Right, I will go look for some wood." I walk off to the janitors closet, but no wood. Next I try the basement and once again no wood. I return to the cafeteria and tell Violet the bad news. "So that means we have to go outside and search for wood." Violet said looking horrified. So we grabbed anything that we could use as a weapon. Violet grabbed a knife and I grabbed a frying pan, I take Jackie out of my bag before Violet and I emptied out our bags to carry supplies in them. "Are you ready?" I ask Violet looking worried and putting Jackie back in my bag. "I guess, let's go." Violet said opening the front door to the outside. We walk out into the world full of fear, worry, and a little bit of hope.

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