Untitled Part 1

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Chapter 1

Cheryl's POV

Me eyes fluttered open and I was lifted from a deep sleep when I heard an unfamiliar noise. Rubbing the tiredness out of me eyes, I noticed I was no longer in me bedroom but someone else's. I was lying on a comfortable king-sized bed in a room with purple wallpaper. Me make-up kit that I usually kept on my nightstand was gone. The pile of laundry that was neatly folded in the corner was gone. And It was only then that I realized that I was no longer in me room.

A million questions were racing through me head, not allowing me to remember the events of the previous day. How did I get here? Where are me friends? How will I get home? Before I could ponder these thoughts, there was a knock at the door.

Instinct took over and I automatically said, "Come in."

Me hands began to shake as the door creaked open, afraid to come to the reality that I might've been kidnapped. I turned to the window and tried to see if it was unlocked. Maybe I could jump out to save myself? But then I thought, what if this room is several stories high? If I were to just jump out, I could possibly die.

Six teenage girls stood in the doorway. I tried to hide me tears, but I couldn't hold them back any longer. Salty droplets began to roll down me cheeks.

"W-what's going on? Where am I?" I began to sob hysterically. One of the girls walked over to me and put her hand on me shoulder comfortingly. I flinched and swatted her hand away. The girls' fiery red hair was in a high ponytail and she had bright blue eyes.

"It's okay, sweetie." she said. "You're safe here at Alphea." I slowly wiped the tears from me face. My legs shook as I got out of the bed. Determination was set in my face like a carving in stone as I made my way to what I assumed to be the front door.

"Wait a minute," the girl with the red hair said, "where are you going?"

"Home," I announced, walking toward the open doorway. One of the other girls stopped me by putting her hand on me shoulder and then gasped in shock.

"Oh my gosh, I knew it was you! I thought I recognized your voice!" she cried out. "You're Cheryl Cole from the X-Factor! It's such an honor to finally meet you! My name's Musa! Can I sing for you later?" The girl, Musa, had navy blue hair tied up into two side pigtails.

"Musa, please don't make her feel like she needs to stay here longer than she has to," the girl with short, neon pink hair said.

"Oh come on, Tecna," Musa said. "Let's just talk to Miss Faragonda about it first." Curiousity urged me to followed the girls down the hallways. For some reason, I felt like I was safe with them.

"W-who's that?" I asked as I followed them down the nicely painted hallways.

"Miss Faragonda is our headmistress," said Musa. "She'll know what to do with you." We continued down the hallway until we reached a brown door with a sign on it which read Miss Faragonda, Headmistress. Bloom knocked on the door.

"Come in!" said an elderly female voice from behind the door. I followed Bloom, Musa, Tecna, Stella, Flora and Layla into a small office. A short, gray-haired woman stood behind a small desk. She smiled warmly at all of us.

"Hey there, Miss Faragonda," said Bloom. "This is Cheryl Cole. She's from a reality show called The X-Factor." Miss Faragonda smiled at me warmly.

"Hello there, Cheryl," she said. "It's very nice to meet you. I assume the girls have told you why you're here?"

"No, uh, miss." I said. "They haven't actually told me anything. I really would like to know what I'm doing here and how to get back to me house."

"Well, it's quite complicated," Miss Faragonda began. "My sources tell me that the Trix, a small group of evil witches, are after you and your friends from the X-Factor. We had to teleport you in your sleep so they wouldn't try to attack you at your house." After hearing that I had been teleported in me sleep, I began to feel even more nervous than I already was. Musa noticed the look on me face an put her hand on me shoulder. Witches? Teleportation? This was all sounding like something from a story book, it was too hard to believe.

The Winx Factor: A Cheryl Cole Fan Fiction (version 2)Where stories live. Discover now