Untitled Part 2

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Chapter 2

Simon's POV

I was determined to get those three awful singers out of the audition building. Because of them, the whole show was being held up. I glared over to where they had stood on the stage before. They seemed to have disappeared somehow...

Did they leave? No... I'm sure they're hiding here somewhere...

"Simon." Cheryl's voice broke me away from my thoughts. I looked over to her, she was walking my way.

"Yes? What is it?"

A black haired girl with pigtails accompanied her, her name was Musa, if I remember correctly.

"It's your turn to transform. We're gonna need everyone's power to defeat the Trix once and for all!" Cheryl exclaimed. I frowned.

"Me? A fairy? I can't..." My voice trailed off as I was at a loss for what to say.

"You 'can't,' or you 'won't?'" Musa questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well I... I'm not doing it." I said firmly. The idea of me transforming into a fairy was absurd. I wasn't sure if I was even capable of doing something like that.

"Simon... We need all the help we can get. The Trix are gonna take over the show, they'll ruin X-Factor for everyone at this rate." Cheryl pleaded.

"Transforming really isn't as scary as you might think. Just give it a try." Musa reassured me.

I took a deep breath.

"...I'll try." I sighed. The two girls grinned and pulled me to the side, where there was plenty of room to transform.

"Don't worry, Simon. We all believe in you!" Sharon yelled from across the room.

"Okay. Just try to relax and focus on channeling your energy." Cheryl instructed.

"Yeah, and think about how much you want to save this show, the show you worked so hard for!" Musa added.

I repeated what they had told me, then closed my eyes.

So many people were waiting to audition. People with hopes and dreams of their own, who wanted a chance to show the world their talent. I could give them this chance... If I just transform-

I heard the two girls suddenly gasp, causing me to open my eyes.

"Simon... You did it!" They cheered.

I looked around and noticed that I had grown wings. They shone proudly under the stage lights, brilliant shades of purple and green. I looked down at my outfit to see that I was still wearing my signature plain shirt and jeans, just how I like it.

"I see you've also managed to transform, looking good!" Dannii walked over and complimented my new look.

I was about to reply, but something interrupted...

"Looks like we have a bigger audience now!" An all too familiar voice announced from above.

We all looked up to see the three witches perched on the lighting beams above the stage. They sneered down at the crowds, before jumping off the beams and landing in the middle of the stage.

"Come on girls, let's show everyone what we're made of!" Icy shouted. "The X-Factor is what we're made of, by the way." She added cheekily.

"Hit it!" Stormy yelled. On cue, the instrumental to Mariah Carey's 'We Belong Together' started to play.

"Ooh, oh, ooh, oh." A horrendous series of vocals left the three witches' lips as they strutted across the stage. Each note and each tone sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Even so, the Trix kept singing as though they couldn't even hear their own screeching voices.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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The Winx Factor: A Cheryl Cole Fan Fiction (version 2)Where stories live. Discover now