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Sapnaps heart dropped at the barely audible words as they were covered by a water noise?
"Dream... are you in the shower..?"

"Sapnap, I- I-" stumbling over his words. He starting cutting again and he didn't want his best friend to vision him in this state again, but it was best to tell him or everything would get worse.

"I just want you to be okay."I mumbled under my breath. As I went to sit down putting my phone down and rubbed my forehead, it helped me calm down, Karl used to do it when I was stressed or overwhelmed.

"I dont know, I just, I think I like George, but not as a friend and then i started to panic and it was getting hard to breath and i couldn't think and-"

"Dream. It's okay you will be fine." letting out a small sigh, getting comfortable on his white couch switching his gaze to his black tv.

"You think....he'll like me back?" Dream said in a small whisper sapnap could barely hear what he had said.

"I dont know dream, but have you ever seen the way he smiles when he hears your laugh? God Dream, his smile goes from ear to ear if anything he will like you.


Will he really like me? I guess i'll have to ask him soon. but what if he doesn't like me? No he does Sapnap even said the chances of him liking me will be high. Whatever i'll ask him right now.

"Hey Sapnap? Im going to tell George." 

"Right now?"


"Okay man, good luck." He said after hanging up.

I went to Georges contact and hovered my thumb over the call button, contemplating whether I should call him or not. "Fuck it, im doing it." I mumbled under my breath, hitting the call button. Almost immediately he picked up. 

"DREAM!? What happened are you okay?" He blurted out faster than my brain could register it.

"Im okay, but I-" I was nervous I didnt know how he'd react even if he did like me.

"I love you, George, and not as a friend." I did it. I said it. I actually told him. I actually did. My heart was beating faster then ever waiting for his response.

"I love you too."



to be honest I think im going to cut off this story. I might re continue if enough people like it. This is like the shortest chapter ever I just didn't want to leave people hanging yk?

-sage <33

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