Chapter 8

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"Can you two shut up?!" Sasuke scowled at the two troublemakers.

"Sorry," Rizaki apologized with a sweatdrop, rubbing the back of her neck.

"What's even got you two so excited anyway?" Sakura asked, an irritated look on her face. "You're acting like you haven't gone outside the village before."

"That's because we haven't!" Naruto chirped, walking ahead of them.

"Never?" Sōma asked with wide eyes.

"Nope!" Rizaki responded with an excited smile.

"We're travelers now, believe it!" Naruto added.

"Hey, am I supposed to trust my life with those two runts?" Tazuna asked Kakashi and Kezuka, referring to Naruto and Rizaki. "They're jokes."

"They're with us, so you don't need to worry about anything," Kakashi reassured.

"Jokes?!" Rizaki snapped, facing Tazuna. "You should never insult a ninja, that's the worst mistake of your life!"

"Yeah, we're one of the greatest ninja!" Naruto added. "We're going to become Hokages one day and you'll look up to us! I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"

"And I'm Rizaki Kiotori! Remember that!"

"Hokages are powerful and wise, you two are puny and brainless," Tazuna replied, rolling his eyes. "The day you two become Hokage, I'll spread my wings and fly."

"Then you better start flying!!" Rizaki yelled, glaring daggers at the man, with Naruto nodding furiously in agreement. "I'll do anything to become Hokage and I'm sure Naruto would do the same thing! And when we do, everyone will have to admit we're the top ninjas, including you!"

"Hmph, you can become Hokages ten times over and to me you'll still be nobodies, losers." Rizaki's eye twitched and immediately jumped at the man again, only for Kezuka to pull her back by her zip-up.

"Rizaki, Kakashi just told you before not to hurt the client!" Sasumi sighed at her rival's tantrum before her ears perked, immediately making her turn to where the sound came from.

"You okay, Sasumi?" Sōma asked, Sasuke looking over to her as well. The girl nodded and waved her hand dismissively.

"Yeah, it's nothing..."


As the group of people walked, Rizaki tuned out the conversation Kakashi and Sakura were having, being distracted by her own thoughts.

Old Man Tazuna is such a pain in the ass, she thought as they walked. I can't believe we have to protect him, of all people. And he thinks Naruto and I can't become Hokage? Imma bitch-slap this man if he says that again, I swear!

"Hey! You all just doubted Lord Hokage, didn't you? That's probably what you were thinking." Kakashi's scolding to Sakura and Naruto snapped Rizaki out of her thoughts.

"So, there aren't going to be any rogue ninja that we have to fight on this mission?" Sōma asked.

"Most likely not," Kezuka replied with a reassuring look, patting his head.


There was a puddle on the side of the path everyone was on, but nobody took notice except Sasumi and Kezuka. Sasumi looked at her, and with one nod of confirmation, she brought herself on guard.

A few seconds later, two ninjas jumped out of the puddle, catching almost everyone in surprise. They tied chains around both Kakashi and Kezuka, tightening them until the two 'died.'

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