Hello again L.G.

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A/n: Before I start there are no Grey's spoilers in this chapter so your all good i am making up everything. Ok, enjoy!

Y/n was doing charts when Lexie can up to her and hugged her from behind. "Hey there, wife." Lexie said to her.

"Oh, hey there, wife." She turned around and kissed her. They liked to call each other wife all the time since they just got married a week ago.

"Whatcha doin?" Lexie said with a huge smile on her face.

"Charts." Y/n stuck your her doing and pointed her finger at it to show that she didn't like doing charts. Lexie laughed.

"Do you have any surgeries scheduled tonight?" Lexie smiled batting her eyes.


"Well, I'm free and I have to get sometime in the or soooo."

"You heard about my craniotomy, didn't you?"

"I mean I might have overheard some people talking about it." Y/n laughed at her wife's silliness.

"Fine. But it's not till later tonight."

"Yay!" Lexie kisses Y/n on the cheek. "Thank you so much!"

"Only for you, my love." Lexie had an even bigger grin on her face then before as she walked away. Y/n was Lexie's mentor since Lexie was also interested in Neuro. Y/n saw the mother of a patient come in. She walked up to her.

"Mrs Clark, are you here to see Paul?"

"No actually I'm here to see Dr Meredith Grey."

"Ok, I think she's in an on call room sleeping right now, do you want me to page her?"

"No, no that's alright." She walks off. Lexie comes back.

"Who was that?" She asked.

"That's Sandra Clark. Meredith operated on her son 6 days ago and he still hasn't woken up. But anyway, what are you doing back here?"

"Oh, yeah! What time is the surgery scheduled? I could have checked the board but I would much rather ask my lovely wife." Y/n laughed.

"7:00 tonight."

"Okie dokie! Also, are you free right now?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Want to grab a coffee?"

"Sure." They go to the nearest coffee cart and go to sit down in the residents lounge since Lexie was a resident and they always hung out in there.

Y/n felt her pager go off. She pulled it off of the band of her pants and checked her pager. Code silver.       Y/n's jaw dropped. "Lexie did you get a page?" Y/n asked with a stutter in her voice.

"No, why?" Just then Lexie's pager went off. She checked it. "Code silver? Whats a code silver?" Y/n looked at her with a serious face.

"Active shooter." Lexie jaw dropped.

"W-what? I-it can be a drill right?"

"We've never done a drill on this before, Lex." Y/n saw Lexie breathing quicker and starting to panic. "We need to get to somewhere safer. Somewhere without windows." She nods quickly. Y/n grabs Lexie's hand and they start to run as fast as they can as quietly as they can. They make it to an on call room and rush inside and lock the door.

"We should be safe in here." They noticed a Walkie talkie on the bed. 

"Ralph was just in here it must be his."

"Who's Ralph?"

"One of the security guards here." Y/n twisted the volume notch on top to hear what was going on.

"We've identified the shooter as Sandra Clark."

"Mrs Clark?"

"Y/n, you said Meredith operated on her son who's in a coma, right?" Y/n's face got terrified as she had a moment of realization. Lexie ran out of the on call room with Y/n chasing her.

"Lexie! Stop!"

"I have to see Meredith!" Just then they saw Mrs Clark come around the corner. They both stopped and put their hands up.

"Dr Y/l/n and-. Who are you?"

"I-I-I'm Dr Lexie Grey." Mrs Clark tilted her head.

"Grey, huh? Maybe instead of shooting Meredith I can make her lose someone just as she made me lose someone."

"Mrs Clark please." Lexie begged. Tears streamed down both Lexie and Y/n's cheeks.

"Don't do this. Paul would not want you to do this." She ignored her.

"I will make her feel the same as I do." She raised the  gun and shot. It felt like everything was in slow motion when the gun went off. As the bullet made contact with Lexie's chest she fell to the floor. Mrs Clark ran off. Y/n fell to the floor to see Lexie.

"Lex, please. Stay with me." Lexie struggled to find a breath. Her tear stained cheeks glistened in the bright lights above. Y/n applied pressure on the bullet hole.

"Y/n" Lexie struggled to say.

"No don't talk. You're going to be fine." Y/n said sobbing. She could see with every painful breath Lexie slipping away more and more. "Please stay with me."


"I-I can't. I can't lose you." Lexie reached up and cupped Y/n's cheek.

"We will say hello again."

"Lexie please."

"Goodbye, my love." Y/n could see Lexie relax. She checked her heart rate and when she felt nothing she let out a loud scream.

"No, no, no! Lexie!" She couldn't believe that just a week ago she was marrying the love of her life and now she has to look at her dead body. She hugged her body tightly and just layer there. The next sight she saw was the SWAT team coming up to her. One of the guys helped her up.

"You're safe now. I'm so sorry for your loss."

A/n: Hey everyone! Listen sorry about the sad chapter and I know I just did one but this came into my head so uh yeah. Anyway I hope you enjoyed please request on the request page. Also thank you to the like 3 people who requested I really appreciate you guys. Any who love you all! :)

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