escape A.M.

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As Y/n walked around the plain hospital walls, dirty looks followed. No one really knew her for who she was. She was just known for being the one who ruined the Shepherd marriage.

Just when Derek began to forgive Addison, she went to Joe's one night, got hella drunk, and slept with some chick. That chick is Y/n. They soon caught feelings for one another and Derek ended up finding out. They got a divorce and Y/n and Addison started dating. Now, Y/n was known for being a homewrecker to "the cutest couple in the hospital".

Let's all be honest here, its not like Derek didn't still love Meredith. He was so close to ruining his marriage for her. But Y/n's the bad guy? Not that fair.

It was now especially hard because Y/n is a resident so, attendings are in charge of her. She got all terrible cases. She hadn't been in an OR for a "cool" surgery in months. The most she got was an appy.

"Y/l/n!" A farmiliar voice called out to her. She turned back to see Derek shepherd walking towards her.

"Yes, Dr Shepherd?" She siad politely, trying to get in his good graces. She has an interest in neuro so she doesn't want to screw it up with him more than she already has.

"Good thing i saw you, i was just about to page you." He said being suprisingly friendly.

"Oh, so, whats up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to try a solo crainiotomy today at two?" At first she had no reaction but pure shock. Why her? The infamous homewrecker of his marriage. She quickly snaped herself out of it.

"Yes! I'd love to, thank you!" She said with her unusally high pitched voice she gets when excited.

"Awesome, i'll see you in OR 3. Oh, and don't worry about preping the patient. I'll get an inturn to do it. Make sure to do your studing beofre this. I'm taking a chance on you."

"I won't let you down, Dr Shepherd." Y/n said before he walked off. She took a deep breath in accomplished with a grin on her face. She didn't question it. Maybe he does forgive her.

She did as he told her too. She studied. Studied harder then she ever had before. Her dream was to become a neurosurgeon and this was her chance to begin.

Y/n silently read to herself as Addie walked in the room.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The redhead asked.

"Studying. Shepherd gave me a craniotomy!" Y/n said with pure glee. Addison just looked confused.

"Really?" She asked. Addison was proud of her, but it just wasn't like Derek to just forgive her out of no where.

"Yeah, i was shocked too!" Y/n looked at the shiny silver watch on her wrist. "It's almost two, i got to go!" She quickly stood up and speed walked out of the room coming back a second later to kiss her girlfriend on the cheek. "Love you!" She said and again, she quickly exited.

"Love you too!" Addie shouted at the girl, who was already all the way down the hall.

Y/n got there at around 1:50. She put her scrub cap on, she covered her shoes, then she went to scrub in.  No one was there. "I guess i got here early." She decided to wit a couple minutes for literally anybody.

After the clock read 2:30 she decide to find Derek. Maybe the surgery got pushed back, or they're waiting for me in a different OR. She thought. As she walked out of the doors to the scrub room, she saw Derek and a whole bunch of other people staring. Laughing. Derek was in the front of all of them. She got played.

Y/n never felt more pathetic. She could feel her eyes start to flood with tears as she ran to the bathroom which was the closest room she could find.

The hospital used to feel like a home, a good place. Now, it just felt like being there was torture. She felt so humiliated. The bathroom door opened as Meredith Grey walked in.

"What, come to embarrass me more?" Y/n said to her.

"I am so sorry. I did not know that he was going to do that. Are you ok?" She seemed sincere but Y/n just couldn't take it.

"Does it look like i'm ok?" Meredith just stood there looking uncomfortable.

"I am so, so sorry." The blond repeated.

"Yeah, thanks so very much." She said sarcastically. The door opened again. Addison walked in.

"What are you doing in here?" She asked Meredith.

"I just wanted to see if she was ok." She said defensively.

"Yeah, well, i think your one of the last people she wants to see right now so get out." Addison said angrily.

"I was just-,"

"Get the hell out!" He yelled cutting her off. Meredith glanced over at Y/n one more time then walked out. As soon as she did you could see Addies face soften as she went over and hugged her girlfriend.

"I hate this place, Addie. Derek ruined my life. I just want to escape this place."

"Then let's escape." Addison said. Y/n pulled away from the hug to look at her face.


"Yeah, we can move anywhere you want to go! Where is your absolute dream place?" She asked.

"Uh, i don't know."

"How about New York? You always talk about wanting to go there and, i have some friends up there that would probably let us crash for a couple nights."

"Your kidding right?" Y/n asked wiping the tears off of her cheeks.

"I'm serious. Are you in?"

"Hell yeah i'm in!" Y/n said with a smile. Addie laughed and missed her girlfriend. "Thank you, Addie."

"Let's get out of here, shall we?" Y/n nodded her head and they both walked out hand in hand. By the time they walked out, everyone was gone. The two girls walked right up to Chief Richards office. They knocked on the door then entered.

"We'd like to put in our two weeks notice." Addison announced. The chief stopped what he was doing, taking the glasses off of his face and setting them down on his desk. He slowly lifted his head up revealing a shocked face.

"What?" He said loudly. "Both of you?"

"Yes, sir." He just sat there for a second looking back and forth between the both of the girls.

"If this is about Derek i can talk to him about it." He said. He sounded sincere, like he didn't want them to leave.

"I'm sorry sir, but this is the only way. This place used to be like a second home to me, but now it just feels like i'm in a place i don't belong." Y/n told him. He sighed heavily.

"Ok. If you need anything, a recommendation, a friend, your old job back. Don't hesitate to call."

"We won't." Addie told him. he smiled at the two girls. They both left his office.

"Let's go home."

a/n: hey loves, sorry i haven't updated in a while! i've had major writers block and a lack of motivation to write. I love you guys so much! Please recommend people to do. I will do anyone! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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