I love you p.2 A.M

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"Did somebody page?" Y/n asks.

"Yes, this is Jen she has some bleeding on the back of her head." Addison says. Y/n pulls out her flashlight and shines it on the back of her head.

"Yeah, I definitly see that. Uh, you." She points to a random resident. "Order a head CT for Jen." The resident nods.

"The husband in the other room also fell off so you migh want to check him out." Addison tells her.

"Okay." Y/n leaves the room and goes to see the husband. "Hi, I'm Dr. Y/l/n." She move around all the docters around her.

"Carl." He says introducing himself.

"Carl, do you have any head pain?" Y/n asks.

"No, that pretty much the one part of my body im not feeling pain." Y/n gets out her flashlight and looks at his head. Nothing.

"Order a head CT just incase. Rather be safe then sorry." She says then leaves.

*A little later*

The resident goes up to Y/n. "Here are the scans you wanted Dr. Y/l/n." She hands Y/n an envelope with the scans in it.

"Thanks uh Dr..."

"Dr. Blue. Emma Blue."

"Right! Thanks Dr. Blue." The resident nods then walks off. Y/n goes to a room to see the scans. (A/n idk what the rooms are called.) She puts them on the light and turns it on. Addison walks in.

"So, anything?"

"Nothing on Carl but Jen has damage to her brain. I will have to go in and fix it. How about her baby, is it ok?"

"Yes, no damage thankfully. They got lucky."

"That's for sure. Ok well I'm going to tell them about the surgery." Y/n says then hugs Addison.

"Bye, babe."

"Bye." All Y/n wanted to say was I love you but for some reason it was just so hard to say.

After Y/n told Jen and her family about the surgery and got an OR prepped, the surgery was going smoothly."

One of the residents was observing her work. "Do you want to try?" Y/n asked.


"Yes, you."

"I would love to it would be my honor."

"Yeah, yeah, it's your job." She let the resident try and they poked something they shouldn't. Jens heart rate got lower.

"What did you do!" Y/n screamed.

"I-I don't know."

The fetal heart rate started to drop as well. "Damn it, page obgyn. We need to deliver this baby." Addison come in the OR and quickly scrubs.

"What happened?" Addison asked.

"This resident after getting a huge opportunity screwed it up and now Jen and her baby's heart rate is dropping fast."

"Ok." Addison quickly makes and incision in Jens lower stomach and preforms a C-section. After getting the baby out Addison and some other doctor take the baby to help them.

"Damn it! Come on, Jen!" Y/n yells. Jen starts to flatline. "Shit!" Y/n starts CPR. "Charge to 200!" She takes the paddles and rubs them together. "Clear!" Everyone take their hand off. She shocks her. Nothing.

After doing that back and forth it had been 6 minutes and Jen was still flatlined. "What's your name?" Y/n asks the resident.

"Uh, Blake Morris."

"Call it Dr. Morris."

He sighs. "Time of death, 21:14."

Y/n walks over to where the baby is. "How's the baby."

"She is perfect."

"It's a girl?"

"It's a girl." Addison walks out of the OR to scrub out. Y/n goes to Dr. Morris.

"Go inform the husband."


"It was your fault she is dead. Go inform him."

"But it was an accident."

"There is no room for accidents in this line of work. If you can't handle it then what are you doing here?" Y/n storms out.

"You ok?" Addison asks Y/n.

"Yeah. It just hard whenever we lose someone."

"Hey, we still save people. We saved that baby."
Y/n looked into Addison's eyes.

"I love you. Today has showed me that I might not have the chance to ever say that. So, I love you." Addison smiles wide and kisses Y/n.

After breaking away, Addison says, "I love you, too."

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