i hate mornings

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third person pov

"fuck it stings again" bakugo murmured to himself , accidentally scratching his upper thigh . he manoeuvred his body that he could face the cold ceiling Infront of him so he could get lost in his own mind . as bad as it sounds he didn't mind getting swallowed by his own mind from time to time because it was a way of coping for him even if it lead to sleepless nights.

fortunately the blonde haired boy was able to get some precious sleep after being engulfed by his own thoughts for hours but was woken up by his alarm . he groaned and reached for his phone and roughly turned off his alarm .

" another great day here we go" he scoffed sarcastically at himself while he slowly got out of his cold uncomfortable bed and walked downstairs stumbling and clutching onto his stomach .

"how long has it been since I ate" bakugo questioned himself . it's not the first time for him to be starving on purpose , he never felt like he deserved anything such as eating , sleeping , talking , breathing , crying and so much more. all the essential things that kept him alive he felt as if he did not deserve any of them.

atleast that is what the voices in his head told him .

it was a chilly Monday morning since it was the middle of january and bakugo hated cold temperatures because of his quirk and just in general he had horrible memories associated to winter and the cold. as he was making himself a cup of coffee to get him through the morning ,his mother came into the kitchen which made the boy flinch in fear .

"make me breakfast you useless brat" mitsuki yelled as she walked past him Making him stumble onto the cold tiles of his kitchen floor . he slowly stood up and got right into making breakfast for his mother hoping it was up to her standards knowing if it wasn't he was going to get an extra beating for it .

time skip brought to u by the lovely author because they're lazy 🦥

"t-there you g-go" he delicately placed a plate of freshly made pancakes onto the glass table which was Infront of mitsuki praying it was up to her standards

"you're lucky today brat" she mumbled ,loud enough for bakugo to hear which made him sigh in relief .

bakugo rushed upstairs to get changed into his school uniform and to have time for himself . he reached under his bed for his black box which he made to keep all of his blades , cigarettes , lighters and all of that stuff he really should not have but he really didn't care . he reached for his blade which was slightly rusted from using it a lot and quickly rushed into his bathroom.

he slowly and carefully rolled up his sleeves to reveal old and fresh cuts that covered his entire arm but it wasn't the only place that hid his scars . they were all over his body , he can never get enough of it . he knew how unhealthy it is and how not normal it is but he couldn't risk telling anyone about it . he would be labeled a freak and attention seeking .

one cut
two cuts
three cuts

this went on till his mother screaming him to hurry up and get down so she could him him some new bruises to wear . he cleaned up his arms and bandaged them up but he forgot to put away his blade .


sooooo this is the first chapter hope y'all liked it , i realized how much of my experience reflected onto this chapter lmao (by that i mean self harm) . anyways uhhh see u in the next chapter .. or not hehehe

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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