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" I hate having my time wasted."

The principal of U.A high and teacher of class 1A stood outside the front of the schoolgate . "This is already off to a bad start." Shouta Aizawa mumbled as they looked forward, waiting for the newest addition to Class 1A.

Principle Nezu shook his head, "Patience Aizawa, the girl is new to Japan once again. And this time without her father."

The young teacher stiffened as he thought of his old colleague. He worked with the hero once or twice, remembering how clumsy and obnixous his friend would be. " Ay amigo!" His dimpled smile would shine bright as he would put both his fingers to Aizawas lips, tugging them into a smile. "Smile more!" The old memory almost did make Aizawa smile.

Until he remebered the new reports almost a year ago.

"And don't you forget," Nezu's voice pulled Aizawa out of his thoughts, "the Valdez brother's were always famous for being late. What makes you think their youngest sister would ever make it on time?" A faint smile formed on Nezus lips as he remembered both boys that had once attended his school.

Aizawa's face suddenly dropped to that thought. While one of the twins were in perfect shape for the hero course the other was.. he was something else.It was barley the second week of class before Aizawa had to drop him out of the hero course.

The teacher pinched the bridge of his nose thinking of the headache named Yuki Valdez.

"I am so sorry!" A stressed voice rose from across the street. The voice belonged to a girl who seemed to stumble with her school uniform that was wrinkled and papers floating in the air due to her quirk. " I woke up late this morning! After living in America for a few years I totally forgot about the different time zones!"

Her dark hair seemed to carelessly sit around her face and her tanned skin had a tint of red from embarrassment. The papers dropped directly into her open bag that was hanging off her shoulders. She threw her body forward, bowing to her new teacher and principle. "Please forgive me for my tardiness!"

Aizawa looked down at the messy girl and towards the transfer papers. The young girl was a spitting image of her father. From the dark olive sun kissed skin to the large eyes and long dark hair. She seemed to also inherit Mateo's clumsiness as well.

"Sakura Valdez," Aizawa read the transcript, "Quirk. Radiating telekinesis. Daughter of the shining hero, El Sol."


"Of course I'm late!" Sakura groaned as she ran through the streets of Musutafu. " I'm already showing up on the second day of class and I missed my first few periods!"

She could have been late on any other day but thanks to her luck she was. Sakura was now late to one of the top hero schools out there. "Stupid stupid stupid!" She muttered to herself making the people by her give her stranges stares.

Have they never seen a late student yelling at herself?

She dashed through the corner, avoiding running into people as she ran through the old streets she had once grown up in.

It would be so much easier if she could just use her quirk and pull the light energy from the street lights and just fly to school. But this was Japan, their strict rules of using quirks out side of hero work really bit her in the ass. She had also promised her brother, now guardian, Yuki that she would not use her quirk unless she was told too. A small price to pay after making him pack up everything and leave their old life in America for her to go to this new school.

She began to break a sweat in her new school uniform as her feet slammed against the ground. "I'm gonna look so dumb on the first day!" She could already feel herself getting stares for being a transfer student let alone from a whole other country. So much has happened to Sakura in the past year. Her quirk growing stronger, her brothers fighting for custody over her, and her ex boyfriend cheating on her.

And don't forget her dad's tragic accident.

Sakura just wanted a fresh start. A start for a normal high school life. Or as normal as a high schooler who can move things with her mind could get.

She could see the school close by. What would have been a fifteen minute train ride and ten minute walk turned into a twelve minute and forty two second run. Thanks to her quirk, during when the sun is at its peak Aura is able to use its ability for her strength and speed.

But it didn't help her when she tripped over the fire hydrate.

"Gah!" a small yelp escaped her lips as she tumbled to the ground, papers scattering all over the ground as her bag spilled open. This was just Sakura Valdez's luck.

"I don't have time for this!" Her hands glowed the soft familiar golden tint as well as the papers making them float upwards and over her head. Her bag bounced against her shoulders as she ran towards a small midget size rodent and a man who looked like he could use a cup of coffee.

"I am so sorry!" Sakura groaned as she struggled to flatten the now wrinkled school uniform with her free hand , "I woke up late this morning! After living in America for a few years I totally forgot about the different time zones!" That's a lie. Sakura just kept hitting her alarm clock until her brother came in and yanked her out of bed and nagged at her for staying up all night.

But it wasn't the girls fault she kept having strange dreams.

The teenager could see the two adults staring upwards at the floating papers above their heads. She quickly pulled her hands down making them fly towards her opened bag. Her body flinging forward as she bowed in front of them, "Please forgive me for my tardiness."

The man in the dark clothing and the five o clock shadow eyes burned into Aura's head making her gulp. She was never really nervous around adults but this man looked like he could easily walk all over her and make her school year hell.

"Sakura Chavez." He spoke, "Quirk. Radiation Telekinesis. Daughter of shining hero, El Sol."

Sakura hoped her body didn't physically react to her dad's hero name, but she felt her stomach drop to that name. She hadn't heard it since the funeral.

Her mood perked up as she stood up and gave a corny salute. "That's me!" She smiled towards the sleep deprived man.

The man who's emotion hasn't changed since Sakura had shown up and it was hard to make out any of his features due to him hiding behind the thick cloth around his neck. The girl saw his face lift up from the scarf and the corner of his lip turned upward very faintly.

"Welcome to U.A's hero course."

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