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"I see you went the Elite Academy in America? A very fine school for the hero course." Principle Nezu spoke as the three of them roamed the hallways of U.A high.

Sakura nodded her head, "It was an amazing school." The Elite Academy was like U.A in a way. Though it starts off with taking their students in at the age of twelve and continuing them through when they are eighteen, it was all about basic hero training. She was offered a letter of recommendation their since her father was a hero and a very well known one. Sakura debated on staying and continuing her hero studies there but after a phone call with a family friend she had decided she wanted to go to the school her father had went.

"Only the most unique quirks go to that Academy for better control." Aizawa said, "And your quirk, it says you can turn light into solid objects?"

Sakura gave a sharp nod before forming her go to light beam in her hands. The light zapped out of the ceiling light bulb and straight into the young students hand into a six foot pole. "Impressive!" Principle Nezu clapped in awe as he stared at the golden glowing weapon.

The girl blushed as she scratched the back her head with her free hand, "I can only make a few solid things but my-"

"Your dad, Mateo, could make many things. Weapons, traps, and even his dumb shiny belt he put on his hero suit." Aizawa finished her sentence.

"The shining hero." Aizawa and Sakura said at the same time.

"Jinx." Sakura said trying to shake off her nerves. It only made her nerves worse when her new teacher just stared at her blankly. "So.. " She chuckled nervously, "Did you know him?"

"A colleague." He quickly said as he kept walking forward. "I'm gonna assume your telekinesis is from your mom then?" Aizawa moved on to his next question.

Sakura tapped her chin with her finger. If she was gonna be completely honest, she barley remembered her mom. She got sick when Sakura was three and than passed away so the youngest Valdez never was close to her mother. And Sakura's brothers always avoided any questions she would ask about their mom so she assumed it was a touchy subject. So that was it, she didn't have a mom besides a green haired woman who use to babysit Sakura when her dad was on the job.

"Yes sir." She decided to answer.

"Well you are a gifted student." Principle Nezu spoke, "Hard working in your hero course studies so no wonder you were easily recommended from your old school to here. Though your grades could use some improvement."

Sakura flashed a cheeky smile and peace sign, "Ha yeah uh dyslexia can be a struggle sometimes."

"Your dad always struggled with his grades too." Nezu and Aizawa continued to walk forward while Sakura stopped walking.

It was almost like another petal had fallen off a cherry blossom tree.

"Excuse me, Principle Nezu." Aura gripped the end of her skirt as her head seem to fall. "What was he like?" She asked, "You know, my dad. As a student here?" Sakura didn't know why she asked. She didn't want to know but she felt like she needed to know. Though there was three Valdez children, her father and her had a bond that wasn't like her brothers. And it was getting easier for her to talk about him.

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